Policy for the Safeguarding and Protection of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults
Purpose of the Policy
This policy outlines the University’s commitment to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults, and to creating and maintaining an environment which is safe for all. The policy provides the University community with guidance on their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding. It also describes the procedure that a member of staff should follow if they suspect a child, young person or vulnerable adult is at risk of harm or has experienced harm.
This policy should be read in conjunction with those relating to:
- Dignity at Work and Study
- Criminal Convictions
- Personal Relationships Policy
- Protection of Vulnerable Groups
- The Prevent Duty
- Code of Good Practice in Research
- University Ethics Policies
Scope and Context
This policy and associated procedures apply to all members of the University community who have a shared role and responsibility in ensuring the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults. For these purposes, the University community is defined as employees, volunteers, agency staff, contractors (including sub-grantees and service providers) and students.
Child or young person: any person who has not yet reached their 18th birthday.
Vulnerable adult: any person aged 18 or over, who:
- has needs for care care and support; and
- is experiencing, or at risk of harm, abuse or neglect; and
- as a result of their care and support needs, is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or experience of harm, abuse or neglect.
Safeguarding Concern: a safeguarding concern is anything that you have observed, has been disclosed to you, or you suspect, that causes worry about the safety or wellbeing of a child, young person or vulnerable adult.
This policy applies to all settings where the University might engage with children, young people and vulnerable adults. This includes teaching, research, volunteering, placements, widening participation activities, and services delivered to the public (such as the Hunterian Art Museum and Art Gallery).
Members of staff who are undertaking regulated work under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 and are required to have PVG Scheme Membership. Students enrolled in certain courses of study are also required to obtain PVG Scheme membership.
Policy Statement
The University is committed to providing a welcoming, inspiring and safe environment for all. To meet its commitments to safeguarding, it will:
- Recruit staff and volunteers safely, taking up references and ensuring that those who carry out 'regulated work' with children or 'regulated work' with a protected adult as defined by the relevant act are members of the PVG Scheme.
- Ensure that students who are accepted onto relevant undergraduate and postgraduate degrees (i.e. Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing and Education) obtain a satisfactory PVG Scheme membership.
- Provide clear and simple guidance for those who engage with children as volunteers or in support of the University’s outreach and recruitment activities.
- Ensure that staff and students understand their responsibilities and that they are aware of the procedure they should follow if they suspect a child, young person or vulnerable adult is experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, harm.
- Ensure that staff and students are trained appropriately and therefore able to discharge their safeguarding duties.
- Ensure that members of staff are aware of the required standards of conduct, as set out in the Dignity at Work and Study Policy and when applicable refer matters to be considered under the Student Code of Conduct or staff Disciplinary Procedure.
- Work with relevant external authorities to prevent individuals from being drawn into potential extremism and terrorist activities.
- Develop and implement coherent, supportive and survivor-led polices regarding gender-based violence and sexual harassment.
- Ensure that the on-campus nursery is covered by a separate, comprehensive safeguarding policy and procedure.
- Where necessary, report concerns to the relevant parties, involving parents/carers appropriately (see Appendix 2), with due regard to the relevant legislation, including:
- the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007); and
- the duty to prevent students from being drawn into terrorism described in Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (2015).
Where members of the University community are working, studying or participating in events within a partner setting (e.g. an external school), the partner’s Safeguarding (or equivalent) policy and reporting procedures should normally be followed. However, if for any reason these prove to be ineffective, the University’s reporting procedure should be followed.
Members of the University community working overseas are required to follow the standard reporting procedures (see Appendix 2) if they suspect a child, young person or vulnerable adult is experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, harm.
Roles and Responsibilities
All Members of Staff
Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone. All members of staff who come into contact with children, young people and vulnerable adults are in positions of trust and have a duty of care to act if there is a cause for concern. All members of staff should therefore:
- Participate in appropriate safeguarding training as mandated by the University.
- Understand what constitutes abuse and how it may be recognised.
- Listen carefully to children, young people and vulnerable adults, who may be trying to voice concerns.
- Take action in consultation with the University’s Safeguarding Team where there is cause for concern (noting that acting within the scope of this Policy over-rides the University’s usual obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation).
- Consult and take advice from the University’s Head of Security as the designated lead for Prevent, where they believe that an individual may be at risk of being drawn into terrorism.
- At all times, treat others with dignity and respect, as required by the University’s Dignity at Work and Study policy.
It is not the responsibility of a member of staff to investigate, make judgements or provide a response on safeguarding matters, but to follow the Reporting Procedure (see Appendix 2) if they believe there is cause for concern.
All Students
Safeguarding is also the responsibility of students on degrees where they will come into contact with children and vulnerable adults (i.e. in Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing and Education). All students are required to follow the Reporting Procedure if they believe there is cause for concern.
Safeguarding Contacts
The members of staff listed below are the University’s Safeguarding Contacts. The role of these members of staff is to:
- Undertake appropriate safeguarding training as mandated by the University.
- Offer an initial point of contact, should any student or member of staff have any concerns relating to safeguarding.
- Enable staff and students to meet their responsibilities towards safeguarding as expressed within this policy.
- Maintain an up-to-date knowledge of safeguarding and oversee the provision of training to others as necessary.
- Ensure the University meets its reporting requirement to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) under the ‘Notifiable Events Scheme’, by reporting any significant incidents.
Lead Officer, Safeguarding |
Lead Officer, Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme |
Deputy Lead Safeguarding Officer (Students) |
Deputy Lead Safeguarding Officer (Prevent) |
Deputy Lead Safeguarding Officer (Research) |
Executive Director for Student & Academic Services (interim cover) |
If none of the above Contacts are available and urgent contact is required (including out of hours) please call the University on 0141 330 4444.
The Executive Director of Student and Academic Services is responsible for ensuring that this policy is reviewed annually and in response to any significant change in legislation which may arise in the meantime.
Finalised 28 November 2018
Approved by University Court – 12 December 2018
Appendix 1: Useful definitions
Appendix 2: Reporting procedure and recommended behaviour when handling a safeguarding issue
Appendix 3: PVG Scheme Membership