Accessible & Inclusive Learning Policy

Appendix D. Clarification of the Responsibilities of Individuals that will Implement the Accessible & Inclusive Learning Policy


Academic Programme Conveners 

Academic Programme Conveners are responsible for reviewing the curriculum of their programmes and identifying appropriate inclusive approaches. There is an expectation that academic programme conveners will give due consideration to students with disabilities. Where there are educational experiences outwith traditional lectures and seminars, reasonable adjustments should be made on a case by case basis in consultation with the student wherever possible.

Academic Programme Conveners will ensure that all course handbooks are updated with links to the AILP policy and the process by which students can complain anonymously, if they feel the course is failing to optimise access and inclusion.

Academic Programme Conveners or equivalent will ensure that all exam questions are reviewed for plain language use. Plain language communication is clear and easy to understand. It involves using common terms instead of complex ones, removing  
unnecessary content, and summarizing complex information without unnecessary jargon. This helps ensure that the content can be understood. It is important to note that plain language writing is not the same as an overly simplistic or condescending style.  



School Course Approval Committees (or Director of Learning & Teaching) 

School Course Approval Committees (or Directors of Learning & Teaching) are responsible for reviewing courses and programmes submitted for approval for inclusive approaches. Working with Disability Coordinators and/or Disability Equality Champions at the school level will ensure critical engagement in reviewing courses with particular focus on optimizing access and inclusion.  




All students who wish to access support have a responsibility to inform the University Disability Service, as soon as possible, of disabilities or medical conditions so that support can be provided. Students may provide feedback via the Disability Advisor and/or the Course or Disability Coordinator.



The Disability Service 

The Disability Service is responsible for providing advice to students and staff on disability related matters. They will provide an individual needs assessment report for those who are eligible for Disabled Students’ Allowance. Additionally, they will engage with and receive consent from students to create store and/or communicate information on student disability and support needs to all relevant parties. The Disability team will approve the Disability Entry on My Campus, which is stored under health information. After approval, an email alert is sent to the student, the student’s Adviser of Studies or supervisor(s), Registry, the Library, Residential Services (when appropriate) and the relevant Disability Coordinator for the School or College. The Disability Coordinator is responsible for forwarding the information on a ‘need-to-know’ basis to tutors and course coordinators. Confidential information in medical letters or educational psychologist reports is never divulged to academic Schools and Colleges. 



College Quality & Enhancement Officers 

The College Quality Lead will attend Board of Studies and support improved quality of proposed provision by reviewing accessibility and inclusion. In addition, the College Lead will collate details on progress with new courses/programmes from BOS along with information from accessibility and inclusion field on the AMRs.



Disability Coordinators 

The Disability Coordinators are School-based staff with responsibility for ensuring relevant academic and administrative staff are aware of students’ disability provisions and responsible for coordinating School-based support. Working with the School Course Approval Committees will ensure their expertise in reviewing courses optimises access and inclusion. 



The Disability Equality Champion  

The Disability Equality Champion is responsible for reviewing compliance with this policy and making recommendations to the Disability Equality Group for amendments to policy and practice. They too should liaise with/receive the annual reports from the College Quality & Enhancement Officer to support review and optimise access and inclusion.



The Equality & Diversity Unit  

The Unit is responsible for promoting best practice in equality and diversity and embedding all aspects of equality and diversity within the University community. It oversees implementation of the University’s Public Sector Equality Outcomes, including those relating to Disability.



Academic & Digital Development  

Academic & Digital Development can provide advice on course design guidelines and direct people to guidelines for developing accessible teaching materials.



IT Services 

To enable Echo360 recordings on-campus and ensure lapel microphones are available and reliable for staff to use in teaching delivery rooms wherever possible.



Space Management & Timetabling Team 

Support staff to schedule (or reschedule) events into accessible locations as required for on-campus teaching.




Responsible for identifying and providing links to e-Book alternatives to reading materials suggested by staff (see Appendix E).



Links to other support services 

Counselling & Psychological Services