Accessible & Inclusive Learning Policy

Appendix A. Course Design Guidelines

In designing programmes and courses, academic staff members are expected to attend to good practice in creating accessible provision from the outset.

Course Conveners, prior to the commencement of the course, must ensure that they know which students on their course require adjustments. In addition to implementing these agreed adjustments, academics also have a duty of care to provide relevant information on these adjustments to those who need to know (for example teaching colleagues and GTAs) to support the student learning experience, whilst respecting confidentiality.

On occasion the adjustments may pose a challenge for the School and the academic staff member who is responsible. The Disability Coordinator is an effective source of support in the first instance, while advice on good practice in design can also be obtained from Academic and Digital Development. Complex or exceptional cases should include a discussion with both the Disability Service and Academic & Digital Development, particularly where there is uncertainty as to how adjustments are most appropriately implemented with respect to the relevant Intended Learning Outcomes. Measures for adjustments to assessment methods of a course or programme should be discussed via a case conference with the Clerk of Senate and involving the student’s Disability Adviser.

The Academic Policy & Governance team provides policy, regulations and resources for programme and course design.

The Academic & Digital Development department instructs in Inclusive Learning and Course design in its PgCap.

The Teachability materials provide a wealth of resources for the design of learning experiences, considering the impacts of these on disabled students.

This inclusive teaching toolkit from University College London is also a useful general resource.

These Accessibility Posters from UK Gov provide guidance on designing for accessibility.

JISC resources provided through TechDis are also a useful reference for the integration of technology into learning, teaching and assessment.

IT Services provides advice on Digital Accessibility.

Staff should be aware of the need to conduct an accessibility audit of their reading lists and other media. This can be undertaken in conjunction with the University Library.