Code of Practice for GTA Training, Support and Development

Appendix 3. Suggested GTA representative structure

All GTAs should have an opportunity for their voice to be heard. The suggestion here for formalised GTA representation was proposed by a sub-group of the GTA Support Working Group, comprising GTA, SRC and academic members.

It may be more appropriate to have a GTA representative structure at School, subject or even course level, depending on considerations such as the size and heterogeneity of the School. Those involved in a typical representative structure should include:

1. GTA facilitators:

  • At least one member of the academic staff and one member of professional services staff within the School/subject/course who are the normal points of contact for GTAs.
  • Their responsibilities include: listening to the feedback, issues or concerns of GTAs and acting on these where appropriate; assisting with training and information about training; holding GTA Liaison Meetings on a regular basis, e.g. once per semester.

2. GTA representatives:

  • Typically one or two GTA representatives per course taught, to represent the interests of GTAs at GTA Liaison meetings.
  • As appropriate to local structures, GTA representatives may also be involved in committees and processes which will impact on their role (e.g. relevant subject meetings, SSLCs, etc.), and may liaise with the subject/School PGR representative where relevant.
  • GTA representatives may wish to engage with other GTAs in their subject/School to enhance the sense of community for GTAs.

Where possible, GTA representatives should be given opportunities to feed into College or University-wide communities for sharing of best practice.