Code of Practice for GTA Training, Support and Development

Appendix 2. GTA induction plan template for Schools

Below is a template created by a sub-group of the GTA Support Working Group, intended to guide Schools in providing information to GTAs in induction meetings and/or handbooks and Moodle sites, as appropriate. Relevant information will of course vary according to the local context, but induction information for GTAs should include the following:

  • School-specific provisions for GTA recruitment, training and support
  • Information about broader university provisions for the contracting, payment, training and support of GTAs
  • Key contacts for GTAs (within and beyond the School)

School-specific provisions

Key timings for processes in the School and the University calendar

  • Key dates for Academic year, e.g. start and end of Semester 1 and Semester 2; revision period and examination period
  • Relevant hiatuses in teaching, e.g. reading weeks, bank holidays, field classes, coursework marking windows
  • GTA recruitment and training dates, e.g.: GTA role advertising and application windows; GTA Introduction to Learning and Teaching in Higher Education dates; School GTA induction events; School GTA training sessions
  • Development opportunities, e.g.: feedback sessions for GTAs; teaching observation opportunities; marking training; Summer Schools

School teaching procedures and local information

  • School handbooks or other documentation relevant to GTAs
  • School floorplans and access routes detailing location of lifts, stairs etc.
  • Any relevant information about confidentiality or data processes within the School
  • Relevant local health and safety guidance and Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) assessments
  • Guidance on referring students to services, e.g. Disability, Counselling and Psychological Services

Roles and responsibilities

  • The expectation on GTAs in terms of teaching and assessment responsibilities
  • How many hours GTAs are expected to work (including detail of preparation time, marking time, teaching time)
  • How much, when and how GTAs will be paid for this work
  • The role of GTAs in relation to pastoral support for students: contact time within/outside class (and payment for this)
  • Workload model including expected/paid preparation time
  • Mechanism through which GTAs may provide feedback on their experiences or raise issues

Course and subject specific information (as relevant to specific roles)

  • Course content and processes
  • Facilities and resources available to GTAs
  • How administrative tasks related to teaching operate for the course/subject including roles of related administrative staff
  • Detailed marking criteria (where GTAs are involved in assessment)
  • Links to relevant sections in School Moodle/intranet, School Sharepoint for files with feedback proforma/rubric examples, Grade Related Criteria etc.

Feedback and development opportunities

  • Individual feedback or review arrangements that are in place and when these processes will occur (peer observation, teaching observation, review meeting)
  • GTA symposium/conference/away day, where held
  • Discipline-specific L&T seminar series, networks, scholarship projects

University provision of support

Key contacts for GTAs

This template can be adjusted as appropriate to the local context and needs of GTAs.



Contact details (email/phone/office)

Relevant notes on working pattern

Course convener




Course administrator




School GTA facilitator (academic)




School GTA facilitator (administrative)




GTA contact for contracts/pay




Lab technician/manager




School disability coordinator




School GTA representative




Mental Health & Wellbeing contact(s)




Health & Safety Officer




Local first aider details




College Effective Learning Advisor




International writing support




Emergency contact on campus – Security at Main Gate


Extension: 4444

From off-campus or mobiles: 0141 330 4444


Available 24/7


SafeZone app