
Degree of Bachelor of Community Learning & Development (Social Sciences)


The Degree of Bachelor of Community Learning & Development (Social Sciences) is governed by Resolutions of the University Court which came into effect on 1 September 2008. The provisions of Resolution No. 582 supporting the Generic Undergraduate Regulations are set out with those regulations. The provisions of Resolution No. 598 are as follows:

1.    The Degree of Bachelor of Community Learning & Development (BCLD) (Social Sciences) may be awarded by the University of Glasgow in the College of Social Sciences (the College) as a General Degree and as a Degree with Honours, in such designations as may be prescribed by Regulations.

2.    The award of the Degree shall be governed by the Generic Undergraduate Regulations which are governed by Resolution No. 582 of the University Court.

3.    The Senate may make supplementary regulations governing the award of the Degree which are subject to the approval of the University Court - these shall be as stated under ‘Regulations’.

4.    The early exit awards of Diploma of Higher Education and Certificate of Higher Education are also included in the Regulations. 

5.    The Degree programme shall be coordinated and supervised by a Board of Management appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the College. The Board shall be representative of the organisations delivering the programme and the Scottish Community Development Centre, and shall be convened by the Head of the School of Social & Political Sciences.


1.     Recognition of Prior Learning

Assessed prior experiential learning can be counted for credit in accordance with Generic Undergraduate Regulation §5. A candidate awarded such credit shall normally spend not less than two sessions of full-time study as a registered candidate for the Degree.

2.     Maximum Period of Study

The maximum period of full-time study is normally five academic sessions.

3.     Progress

Generic Undergraduate Regulations §10 and §11 apply with the following additional requirement: in order to progress to a component at level 2 or 3 a candidate will normally be required to have attained grade D or better in all components at the preceding level.

4.     Courses Available to Candidates

4.1   The curriculum for the Degree of Bachelor of Community Learning & Development (Social Sciences) shall be a three-year programme of work-based learning comprising qualifying work experience and taught modules amounting to 120 credits per academic session. The programme shall be set out in a personal Learning Programme Agreement between the candidate, the employer and the University of Glasgow acting in collaboration and shall be approved by the Board of Management. The Agreement shall provide for regular and appropriate supervision of the candidate throughout the duration of the programme.

4.2    Recognised Qualifying Work Experience

Qualifying work experience shall comprise:

a)   employment in an appointment in the field of Community Learning & Development of not less than 41 weeks in the first academic session and not less than 31 weeks in the second and third sessions of study.

b)   participation in two placements each normally comprising continuous periods of not less than 10 weeks, one in each of the second and third sessions of study. Placements of a number of shorter periods amounting to the same overall duration may be substituted subject to the approval of the Board of Management.

The levels and credit weights of work experience shall be as follows:

Title Level Credit Weight
Reflecting on Work Experience 1 30 credits
Session 2 Placement 2 60 credits
Session 3 Placement 3 90 credits

4.3    Recognised Qualifying Taught Courses

The qualifying taught courses are listed in the programme specification.

4.4   The duration of the Learning Programme Agreement shall normally be three sessions or two sessions if the candidate has been granted entry with advanced standing on the basis of prior accreditation.

5.     Programme Requirements for the Award of the Degree

The further requirements referred to in Generic Undergraduate Regulation §14.1 are as follows: A minimum graduating curriculum for the Degree of Bachelor of Community Learning and Development requires that a candidate attains grade D or better in all qualifying components of the programme of study prescribed in these regulations.

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