
Principal Committees of the University

University Court

The Court has ultimate responsibility for the deployment of resources in the University and for the strategic plans of the institution. It also has a monitoring role in relation to the overall performance of the University. It is responsible for the well-being of staff and, with the Senate, for students. The Rector is, ex-officio, the President of the University Court. The Rector chairs such parts of the Court meetings as the Court may from time to time decide. The Convener, a lay member of Court appointed through an open recruitment process, chairs those parts of the Court meetings not chaired by the Rector. The full membership of Court can be found here.

Committees reporting to Court




Audit Committee

Ms Heather Cousins

  • To oversee on behalf of Court the effectiveness of the University’s arrangements for corporate governance, financial reporting, systems of internal control and risk management and the activities and processes related to these systems. This will include arrangements to ensure the University’s compliance with the requirements of the Financial Memorandum between the University and Scottish Funding Council.

Estates Committee

Mr Ronnie Mercer

  • To develop and maintain a strategic estates plan for consideration by Court which supports the delivery of the University’s Strategic Plan taking into account resource implication and the importance of environmental sustainability.
  • In doing this the Estates Committee will:

-     Provide the Programme Governance to the overall capital programme and the Director of Estates will ensure that regular performance updates are provided to the Committee.

-     Provide governance for the development of the master plan and a design guide and colour palette. The master plan will be brought to Estates Committee and only with the approval of the Committee will it then proceed to Court in advance of seeking City Council approval.

-     Approve the commercial property aspects of projects, including leases, disposals and any acquisitions.

The Estates Committee will not have responsibility in relation to design as this is the responsibility of individual project boards, however for all projects valued at £25m or more, the Project Governance Board Convenor would, at design stages B and D [B = Concept Design; D = Developed Design], bring the design to Estates Committee for information and comment.  Responsibility for approving the design would remain with the Project Governance Board.

  • To develop policies to guide implementation of plans by Estates & Buildings
  • To ensure that the Committee's membership includes the skills and experience necessary to address its remit effectively.  To this end, the Committee may request that the University Court appoint one or more additional co-opted members to the Committee. The Chair of the Committee will participate in the selection process for a new co-opted member.

Finance Committee

Mr Graeme Bissett

  • To monitor the income and expenditure of the University
  • To consider financial policies and issues and to make recommendations to Court on:

-     the annual revenue and capital budget;

-     banking, borrowing and lending;

-     the investment of endowment funds; and

-     other financial matters, always having regard to the importance of financial sustainability

  • To advise Court on the financial implications of policy decisions being considered by Court
  • To consider the financial statements of the University and make recommendations to Court thereon
  • Having received a report from the Capex Committee:

-     to make recommendations to Court on the budget for capital projects;

-     to decide on all capex proposals involving expenditure of £500,000 and £25M, subject to these proposals being included in the Court approved capital plan and, where appropriate, having been approved by the Estates Committee;

-     to make recommendations to Court on all capex proposals involving expenditure of £25M or above, subject to these proposals being included in the Court approved capital plan and, where appropriate, having been approved by Estates Committee; and

-     to decide on all requests for capital budget variances of £500,000 or above.

  • To authorise individual items of revenue expenditure costing £1M or more
  • To ensure that the Committee's membership includes the skills and experience necessary to address its remit effectively.  To this end, the Committee may request that the University Court appoint one or more additional co-opted members to the Committee. The Chair of the Committee will participate in the selection process for a new co-opted member.

Health, Safety & Wellbeing Committee

Dr David Duncan

  • The Committee is mandated by Section 2(7) of the Health & Safety at Work (etc.) Act 1974 and recognised by the Secretary of State under Statutory Instrument 1977 No. 500 Health and Safety - The Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977. It has the role of keeping under review the measures taken to ensure the effective management of the health and safety of employees, and also that of students, visitors, contractors and other persons who could be affected by the various work activities of the University of Glasgow or could, through their own work activity(ies), adversely affect the health and safety of themselves and/or others.

Human Resources Committee

Ms June Milligan

  • To oversee, on behalf of Court, the ongoing development, implementation and delivery of the University’s People Strategy and related plans and procedures, ensuring these are aligned with the key aims and objectives of University Strategy and its realisation.
  • To ensure appropriate monitoring and reporting arrangements are in place and that these are executed accordingly to demonstrate and deliver impact in the delivery of organisational goals to enhance institutional performance and success.
  • To provide corporate governance and oversight of key people initiatives and policies, monitoring compliance in accordance with the relevant and related legal and regulatory frameworks and promote the adoption of best practice in:
    • Recruitment & Talent Attraction;
    • Performance Management;
    • Reward & Recognition;
    • People and Organisational Development (incl.. Leadership Development);
    • Talent Management & Succession Planning; and
    • Cultural & Organisational Change.
  • To ‘add value’ in terms of corporate governance and associated oversight in the delivery of the people strategy and provide a degree of challenge to the executive leadership in ensuring the University demonstrates its commitment in delivering in accordance with the best interests of its people, both staff and students.

Nominations Committee

Ms Elizabeth Passey

  • To make recommendations to Court on the appointment of co-opted lay members, having regard to the skills and experience required
  • To make recommendations to Court on the appointment of Court committee members, in consultation with the relevant Committee chairs; and to make recommendations on the convenership of Court committees
  • To advise Court on any other matter relating to its membership

Remuneration Committee

Ms June Milligan

  • To formulate the University's remuneration policy, and to review that policy annually, recommending changes to Court as appropriate.
  • To determine the salaries of the Principal and other members of Senior Management Group, having regard to:

-  Their performance in advancing the University's strategic objectives;

-  The need to offer salaries that are competitive with those of other major UK universities, as reflected in robust comparative data; and

-  The budget approved by Court.

  • Annually, to determine the University’s policy on the performance-related reward of professorial and senior administrative staff (all level 10 staff).
  • In the absence of the Convener of Court, to make recommendations on the nature and level of any remuneration for the Convener of Court, subject to approval by Court.
  • To advise Court on the University's policy on severance arrangements for staff, and, within parameters agreed by Court, to implement that policy, considering, on an individual basis, any severance proposal that:

-  Departs from the parameters agreed by Court; and/or

-  Pertains to for a member of the Senior Management Group.

  • To maintain oversight of contracts of employment for senior staff.
  • To receive an annual report on expenses incurred by members of the Senior Management Group.
  • To ensure that the Committee's membership includes the skills and experience necessary to address its remit effectively.
  • To seek the views of representatives of students and staff of the institution, including representatives of recognised trade unions, in relation to the remuneration package of the Principal and the senior executive team.

Student Experience Committee (a Committee of Court and Senate)

Dr David Duncan and Ms Lauren McDougall (SRC President)

  • Agree and oversee implementation of a common strategy, plans and policies for non-academic aspects of student life, to be jointly led by the University and the SRC.
  • Make every effort to ensure that all aspects of the student experience are excellent.
  • Identify the needs of specific groups of students (e.g. overseas, part-time, mature, visiting and disabled students, BME students, care leavers and students with children or caring responsibilities) and ensure that these are addressed.
  • Agree, in consultation with relevant senior managers, the annual priorities relating to services provided for students.
  • Review and monitor the effectiveness of all student-facing services.
  • Receive and consider reports from the SRC, GUU, QMU and GUSA on plans and activities.
  • Consider measures of the student experience and oversee actions to improve and enhance student satisfaction.
  • Provide a forum for discussion on key trends in the external environment likely to impact on the student experience.
  • Promote equality and diversity in relation to all the above.
  • Report to Senate, SMG, Court and other relevant bodies on all matters relating to these terms of reference.


The Senate is charged with the regulation and superintendence of the teaching and the discipline of the University and the promotion of research. Senate is convened by The Principal.

Committees reporting to Senate




Council of Senate

The Principal

To undertake all normal business of Senate on behalf of Senate

Academic Dress Committee

Clerk of Senate or their nominee

Ceremonial dress

Education Policy & Strategy Committee*

Professor Frank Coton

Review, development and promotion of the University's Learning and Teaching Strategy

-- Academic Standards Committee

Professor Neil Evans

Academic regulations and quality assurance matters

-- Learning & Teaching Committee

Professor Moira Fischbacher-Smith

Development and enhancement of provision of learning opportunities for students

Honorary Degrees Committee

The Principal

Nominations for the conferment of Honorary Degrees

Library Committee*

Professor Jill Morrison

Application of Library funds and review of Library policy, strategy and performance

Research Planning & Strategy Committee*

Professor Jon Cooper and Professor Miles Padgett

Definition, promotion and implementation of the University's Research Strategy

-- Deans of Graduate Studies Committee

Dr Duncan Ross

Defining and implementing the University’s PGR Strategy and matters relating to PGR provision

Research Institute Management Groups

Information available from each University Research Institute

Definition, promotion and implementation of the University’s Research Strategy with regard to the Research Institute

Senate Appeals Committee

Dr Maureen Farrell

Academic appeals from students

Senate Business Committee

The Principal

Agenda of Senate meetings

Senate Student Conduct Committee

The Principal[1]

Conduct and disciplinary cases against students

[1] Convenership is delegated to Vice Principals and the following nominees: Professor Janeen Carruthers, Professor Karen Lury, Professor Chris Philo, Professor Martin Sullivan.