Degree of Bachelor of Science in Dental Science
The Degree of Bachelor of Science in Dental Science is governed by Resolution No. 638 of the University Court, which at the time of publication was in draft form, with provision that:
1. The Degree of Bachelor of Science in Dental Science (BSc (DentSci)) may be awarded by the University in the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences (the College) as a Degree with Honours. The Degree shall not be recognised as a primary qualification conferring the right of registration on the Dental Register.
2. The Senate may, with the consent of the University Court, make regulations governing the award of the Degree.
A student admitted onto a programme leading to the award must follow the instructions issued on behalf of the relevant School and be aware of the content of the Programme Document/Programme Information Document (often referred to as the Programme or ‘Course’ Handbook) which will contain further details of the Programme including, in some cases, further requirements associated with the award.
1. Admission
1.1 A candidate for the Degree must normally have attended the University of Glasgow for no fewer than three academic sessions, undertaking the course of study prescribed as the first three years of the curriculum for the Degree of BDS, and have achieved grade D3 or better in all courses in the years preceding admission, normally at the first attempt.
1.2 A student admitted as a candidate for the Degree must also be a candidate for the Degree of BDS or have obtained the Degree of BDS not more than five years before the date of such admission.
1.3 A candidate must satisfy any entry requirements prescribed by the Honours courses forming their curriculum. The candidate must apply to the School(s) responsible for the courses to which they seek admission with a statement of their results achieved to date. Admission is at the discretion of Head(s) of School concerned but a candidate refused entry may submit for the consideration of the College any special circumstances bearing on their case.
2. Duration of Study
The minimum period of study for the award of the Degree is one academic session of full-time study. The Degree programme must normally be completed within one academic session of admission to the programme.
3. Programme Components
3.1 In order to qualify for the Degree a candidate must complete 120 credits as specified in the relevant Programme Document/Programme Information Document (PID) in one of the following Principal Subjects of study:
Anatomical Sciences | Molecular & Cellular Biology |
Biochemistry | Parasitology |
Clinical Medicine | Pharmacology |
Genetics | Physiology |
Microbiology | Virology |
3.2 The year of study for the Degree shall normally be intercalated after the fourth year of study or taken at the end of the course of study leading to the Degree of BDS, subject to approval of the College.
3.3 The curriculum of each candidate must be entered on MyCampus by that candidate at the start of the session. Once this has been done, the curriculum may not be altered outwith the ‘add-drop’ period except with the approval of an Adviser of Studies.
3.4 During the period of study on the programme a candidate may not undertake any professional training or occupation without the approval of the College.
3.5 A candidate may not attend courses outwith their curriculum without the permission of the College.
4. Assessment
4.1 For each academic session, assessment and reassessment are, in so far as not modified by these regulations, governed by the Code of Assessment which is contained in the ‘University Fees and General Information for Students’ section of the University Calendar published for that session.
4.2 Courses for which a candidate has registered must be counted towards the calculation of their grade point average for the purposes of §4.3 unless other provision is justified by good cause circumstances affecting the candidate. This regulation applies where course registration continues:
a) on the date on which the first summative assessment for that course is to be submitted; or
b) on such other date as may be specified in the course document for that course.
4.3 The Honours degree classification shall be calculated as set out in §16.36 and §16.37 of the Code of Assessment except that the relevant grade point average shall be that achieved in relation to the 120 credits of the Programme.
5. Requirements for the Award of Honours Degree
To be eligible for the award of the Honours degree, in addition to the requirements set out at §1.1, the candidate must have obtained at least 120 credits at level H and achieved grade D3 or better for a dissertation or other piece of independent work worth at least 20 credits, and complied with any other requirements set out in the Programme Document/Programme Information Document.
6. Progress
Where a candidate fails to complete the Programme within the normal duration of study of one academic session, the Progress Committee will consider whether to permit the candidate to extend the period of study by one further academic session.