
Degree of Master of Education with Teaching Qualification (Primary)


The Degree of Master of Education with Teaching Qualification (Primary)[1] is governed by Resolutions of the University Court. The provisions of Resolution No. 582 supporting the Generic Undergraduate Regulations which came into effect on 1 September 2008 are set out with those regulations. The provisions of Resolution No. 650, which at the time of publication were in draft form, are as follows:

1.    The Degree of Master of Education (MEduc) with Teaching Qualification (Primary) may be awarded by the Senate of the University of Glasgow in the College of Social Sciences (the College) as a Degree in such designations as may be prescribed by Regulations.

2.    The award of the Degree shall be governed by Resolution No. 582 - “Generic Regulations for the award of Degrees gained by the successful completion of Undergraduate Programmes”, which came into effect on 1 September 2008 together with such Supplementary Regulations as are contained in this Resolution No. 650 - “Master of Education (MEduc) with Teaching Qualification (Primary)”. The Supplementary Regulations are set out in the Schedule of Regulations attached to this Resolution.

3.    Candidates for the Degree of Master of Education may be eligible for the award of Masters Diploma in Education with Teaching Qualification (Primary) or Master of Arts (Honours) in Education with Teaching Qualification (Primary) and candidates who do not complete the minimum graduating curriculum may be eligible to receive the Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Primary Education) or the early exit award of Certificate of Higher Education (Primary Education) or Diploma of Higher Education (Primary Education). The early exit award of Postgraduate Certificate is also available.


1.     Recognition of Prior Learning 

Assessed prior learning cannot normally be counted for credit on this degree.

2.     Maximum Period of Study

2.1   Years 1 to 4 of the curriculum are only available on a full-time basis and must be completed within six academic sessions from first registration.

2.2   Year 5 of the curriculum is available on a full-time and part-time basis. Candidates must complete year 5 of the curriculum within three years of registration for that year, and must complete year 5 of the curriculum within five academic sessions of satisfying the requirements for award of the Masters Diploma in Education.

3.     Code of Assessment

In accordance with Generic Undergraduate Regulation §9, assessment and re-assessment are governed by the Code of Assessment with the following exceptions:

a)   The assessment of School Experience is exempt from the provisions of Schedule A of the Code of Assessment and is assessed on a two point scale - Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory.

b)   A candidate who achieves:

i)    less than C3 for any SCQF level 11 taught course in year 4 of the curriculum, or

ii)   less than D3 for any other taught course in years 3 or 4 of the curriculum

will be eligible for a second opportunity at assessment on any such course or courses. In accordance with §16.7 of the Code of Assessment, for any such course or courses contributing to the Honours curriculum the original course grade will contribute towards calculation of the honours classification.

4.     Progress

Generic Undergraduate Regulations §10 and §11 apply with the following additional requirements:

4.1   In order to progress to the subsequent year of the degree programme a candidate must have achieved at least grade D3 in all courses of the preceding year and Satisfactory for School Experience.

4.2   A candidate must achieve grade D3 or better in Education in Practice in order to be permitted to progress into the subsequent year of study. Exceptionally, a candidate may be permitted by the College Progress Committee to progress into years 2, 3 or 4 with one compulsory course (other than Education in Practice) at less than grade D3. The candidate must present him or herself for reassessment in that course at the next available opportunity.

4.3   Exceptionally, a candidate may be required to discontinue a School Experience or may be prevented from beginning any further School Experience if, on the balance of evidence, it is considered that continuing with or beginning that experience would be detrimental to pupils in the school.

4.4   In the first four years of the curriculum a candidate may be excluded from further instruction and examination in the College if:

a)   he or she obtains less than grade D3 in two or more compulsory courses on two occasions in any year; or

b)   he or she obtains an Unsatisfactory in a School Experience in any year on two occasions.

4.5   The College Progress Committee has authority to set aside regulations §4.4(a) and §4.4(b) governing exclusion and to permit further attempts in assessment and School Experience retrieval.

If, after consideration, the College Progress Committee permits one further attempt at assessment or School Experience retrieval, the candidate must undertake that attempt at a time specified by the College. Failure to attain a grade D3 in assessment or Satisfactory in School Experience will result in exclusion.

4.6   In year 5 of the curriculum a candidate will be permitted to progress to preparation of the dissertation, or other substantial independent work required by the degree, only if he or she has obtained a grade point average[2] of 12 (equivalent to C3) or above in the 120 SCQF Level 11 taught courses, described in the programme specification, with all courses at grade D3 or better. Exceptionally, a candidate may be permitted to progress to the dissertation or other substantial independent work where it is judged[3] that the candidate’s performance offers a reasonable prospect of that candidate’s reaching the standard required for the award of the Masters degree following reassessment.

5.     Courses Available to Candidates

The courses required for the degree are set out in the programme specification.

6.     Programme Requirements for the Award of the Degree

6.1   A candidate must complete the curriculum set out in the programme specification for years 1 to 4, attaining a grade D3 or better for each course and Satisfactory in School Experience at each stage.

6.2   A candidate who has satisfied the requirements set out at §6.1 and has met the Standard for Provisional Registration with the General Teaching Council of Scotland will be eligible to graduate either with Masters Diploma in Education with Teaching Qualification (Primary) or with Master of Arts (Honours) in Education with Teaching Qualification (Primary).

6.3   The Masters Diploma and Master of Arts referred to in §6.2 are honours degrees and the honours classification for each candidate will be calculated in accordance with §16.36 of the Code of Assessment.

6.4   Notwithstanding the provisions of §3(b)(ii), in order to be eligible for the award of the Masters Diploma or the Master of Arts referred to in §6.2, a candidate must achieve at the first attempt a grade D3 or better in the dissertation taken in year 4 of the curriculum.

6.5   A candidate will be eligible for the award of the degree of Master of Education with Teaching Qualification (Primary) on obtaining a grade point average[2] of 12 (equivalent to C3) or above in the 120 credits of SCQF Level 11 taught courses described in the programme specification, with all courses at grade D3 or better, and obtaining a grade D3 or better in the SCQF Level 11 dissertation or other substantial independent work.

6.6   A candidate who has achieved at the first attempt a grade point average of 15 (equivalent to B3) or above for the SCQF Level 11 taught courses and grade B3 or above for the SCQF Level 11 dissertation or other substantial independent work will be eligible for the award of MEduc with Merit. Where the grade point average for the SCQF Level 11 taught courses falls within the range 14.1 and 14.9 the Board of Examiners shall have discretion to make the award with Merit. No discretion can be applied in relation to the grade required for the dissertation or other substantial independent work.

6.7   A candidate who has achieved at the first attempt a grade point average of 18 (equivalent to A5) or above for the SCQF Level 11 taught courses and grade A5 or above for the SCQF Level 11 dissertation or other substantial independent work will be eligible for the award of MEduc with Distinction. Where the grade point average for the SCQF Level 11 taught courses falls within the range 17.1 to 17.9 the Board of Examiners shall have the discretion to make the award with Distinction. No discretion can be applied in relation to the grade required for the dissertation or other substantial independent work.

7.     Other Information on Awards

7.1    Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Primary Education)

A candidate who has completed a minimum of 360 credits with a grade point average[2] of 9 or better, with 280 credits at grade D3 or better and 300 of the credits from courses in the MEduc curriculum, will be eligible to receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Primary Education). Such a candidate, if graduating with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Primary Education), may not be a candidate for the Degree of Master of Education with Teaching Qualification (Primary) of the University of Glasgow on a future occasion. The BA (Primary Education) is not a teaching qualification.

7.2    Early Exit award of Postgraduate Certificate

a)   A candidate who has completed 60 taught credits from the year 5 curriculum with all 60 credits at grade D3 or above will be eligible for the award of a Postgraduate Certificate. The Postgraduate Certificate is not a teaching qualification.

b)   A candidate who has achieved at the first attempt a grade point average of 15 (equivalent to B3) or above for the taught courses will be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Certificate with Merit. Where the grade point average for the taught courses falls within the range 14.1 and 14.9 the Board of Examiners shall have discretion to make the award with Merit.

c)   A candidate who has achieved at the first attempt a grade point average of 18 (equivalent to A5) or above for the taught courses will be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Certificate with Distinction. Where the grade point average for the taught courses falls within the range 17.1 to 17.9 the Board of Examiners shall have the discretion to make the award with Distinction.

7.3    Code of Professional Conduct and Fitness to Practise

A candidate for the degree of MEduc is required to assent to the School of Education Code of Professional Conduct. Any candidate who refuses to do so will be denied access to teaching and School Experience. A candidate in breach of the Code will be subject to Fitness to Practise procedures which may include referral to the School of Education Fitness to Practise Committee. (See ‘University Fees and General Information for Students’ Regulation 36 in the University Calendar.)

7.4    Attendance

a)   In order to be eligible for the award of credit on a course delivered by the School of Education a candidate must achieve a minimum of 80% attendance.

b)   A candidate is required to attend mandatory instruction sessions and preparatory briefings before being permitted to attend School Experience.

c)   In relation to each period of School Experience a candidate must achieve a minimum of 90% attendance in order to be eligible for the award of credit.

[1] This programme replaces the Bachelor of Education (BEd). Students admitted to the BEd in or before 2013-14 should refer to the University Calendar appropriate to the session in which they entered the programme.

[2] The grade point average is determined with reference to the schedule of grades and grade points contained in Schedule A and Schedule B of the University’s Code of Assessment. The grade point average is calculated by taking the product of each course’s weight and the candidate’s grade points and dividing the sum of these products by the sum of the courses’ weights. The weights shall correspond to the courses’ credit ratings unless specified otherwise in the relevant programme documentation. The grade point average is expressed to one decimal place (§16.34(a) of the Code of Assessment). In determining whether a candidate has satisfied requirements in relation to progress and award, no further rounding is permitted. For example, a grade point average of 11.9 would not satisfy a requirement for a grade point average of 12.

[3] This judgment is normally made by the Board of Examiners or in cases where there is no scheduled meeting, the Convener of the Board of Examiners.

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