
Academic Dress Code

The colours referred to in this Code are defined in terms of the Pantone Matching System ®. The proper academic dress for the officers and members of the University is as follows:


Undergraduates: Scarlet cloth, with full sleeves half the length of the gown. A difference indicating the Faculty may be worn in the form of a narrow band of silk on the breast of each side of the gown of the colour of the hood-lining proper to the lowest degree in the Faculty.
Bachelors: Black stuff, with open pointed sleeves reaching to the foot of the gown. Bachelors who are Masters of Arts wear a master's gown with the hood proper to their bachelor's degree.
Masters:   Black silk or stuff, with cord and button on the yoke and closed sleeves (with horizontal arm-slit) reaching to the foot of the gown and ending in a crescent ­shaped cut (the points of the crescent facing back).
Doctors: All Doctors' gowns should be worn with the proper hood.

Higher Doctorates:

Undress: Black silk or stuff, with a collar falling over the yoke and full sleeves half the length of the gown.

Full dress: Scarlet cloth, faced with silk of the colour of the hood-lining proper to the degree, with cord and button on the yoke and open pointed sleeves reaching to the foot of the gown.


Doctors of Philosophy:

Undress: Black silk or stuff, with a collar falling over the yoke and full sleeves half the length of the gown.

Full Dress: The same, with the addition of facings of crimson silk.


Doctorates of Medicine, Dental Surgery and Prac­titioner Doctorates:

Undress: Black silk or stuff, with a collar falling over the yoke and full sleeves half the length of the gown.

Full dress: The same, with the addition of facings of silk the colour of the hood-lining proper to the degree.



Black watered silk, with long closed sleeves and square collar, trimmed with gold lace and gold frogs.


Black cloth, with square collar and full-length cape­like sleeves: five gold bands on each sleeve.


Black watered silk, with long closed sleeves and square collar, trimmed with silver lace and silver frogs.

Depute Vice-Chancellor:

Black watered silk, with long closed sleeves with sleeve cuts trimmed with ½" silver oakleaf lace and facings and square collar trimmed with 1" silver oakleaf lace.


Purple silk, with open sleeves, facings of black silk and a border of purple velvet.

Dean of Faculties:

Black silk, with square velvet collar, full-length cape­like sleeves and velvet frogs.

Members of the University Court:

The Secretary of Court and past and present members of the University Court may be distinguished by the wearing of frogs on the sleeves of their gowns.


All hoods are of the ‘full’ shape.


Bachelor of Accountancy (BAcc.): Black stuff, lined with slate grey silk and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Animal Health (BAH): Black stuff, lined with terracotta silk, and trimmed inside the top edge with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom)and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Arts (BA): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with purple silk (colour of bell heather), and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Community Learning and Development (Social Sciences) (BCLD (Soc Sci)): Black stuff, lined with sky blue silk and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS): Black stuff, lined with emerald green silk and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Divinity (BD): Black stuff, lined with light cherry silk and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Primary Education: Black stuff, lined with blue silk (colour of bluebell of Scotland)and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Engineering (BEng): Black stuff, lined with plum coloured silk and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Engineering Studies (BES): Black stuff, lined with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom)and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Financial and Legal Studies (BFLS): Black stuff, lined with slate grey silk, and trimmed inside the top edge with venetian red silk and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of International Business Administration (BIBA): Black stuff, lined with orange silk (colour of Slender St John's Wort), and trimmed inside the top edge with purple silk (colour of bell heather)and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Laws (LLB): Black stuff, lined with venetian red silk and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Medical Science (BMedSci): Black stuff, lined with scarlet silk, and trimmed inside the top edge with emerald green silk and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB): Black stuff, lined with scarlet silk and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Music (BMus): Black stuff, lined with azure blue silk and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Nursing (BN): Black stuff, lined with cornflower blue silk and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Science (BSc): Black stuff, lined with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom)and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Technological Education (BTechEd): Black stuff, lined with plum coloured silk, and trimmed inside the top edge with blue silk (colour of bluebell of Scotland)and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Technology Studies (BTechS): Black stuff, lined with plum coloured silk, and trimmed inside the top edge with blue silk (colour of bluebell of Scotland)and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Theology (BTh): Black stuff, lined with light cherry silk, and trimmed inside the top edge with blue silk (colour of bluebell of Scotland)and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVMS): Black stuff, lined with terracotta silk and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Note: Bachelors who are also Masters may wear Bachelors' hoods of silk.


International Master: Black silk or stuff, lined with white silk and edged with purple silk (colour of bell heather).

Master of Accountancy (MAcc): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with slate grey silk.

Master of Arts (MA):[1] Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with purple silk (colour of bell heather).

Master of Arts (Social Sciences) (MA (Soc Sci)):[1]Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with purple silk (colour of bell heather).

Master of Business Administration (MBA): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with orange silk (colour of Slender St John's Wort).

Master of Community Care (MCC): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with sky blue silk.

Master of Education (MEd): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with blue silk (colour of bluebell of Scotland).

Master of Engineering (MEng):[1] Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with plum coloured silk.

Master of Finance inInternational Finance & Financial Institutions (MFin): Black silk or stuff, lined with slate grey silk and edged with venetian red silk.

Master of Fine Arts (Creative Writing): Black silk or stuff, lined with purple silk (colour of bell heather) and edged with beige silk.

Master of Laws (LLM): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with venetian red silk.

Master of Letters (MLitt): Black silk or stuff, lined with purple silk (colour of bell heather) and edged with white silk.[2]

Master of Medical Law (MML): black silk or stuff, lined with Venetian red silk and edged on the cape, cowl and neckband with white silk.

Master of Medical Law and Ethics (MMLE): black silk or stuff, lined with Venetian red silk and edged on the cape, cowl and neckband with white silk.

Master of Midwifery (MM): Black silk or stuff, lined with cornflower blue silk and edged with white silk.

Master of Music (MMus): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with azure blue silk.

Master of Nursing (MN): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with cornflower blue silk.

Master of Philosophy (MPhil): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with crimson silk.[2]

Master of Primary Care (MPC): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom).

Master of Public Health (MPH): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom).

Master of Research (MRes.): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with gold ­coloured silk (colour of whin blossom).

Master in Science (MSci.):[1] Black silk or stuff, lined with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom) and edged with scarlet silk.

Master of Science (MSc): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom).

Master of Science (Adult & Continuing Education) (MSc (Adult & Continuing Education)): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom).

Master of Social Work (MSW): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with sky blue silk.

Master of Theology (MTh): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with light cherry silk.

Master of Veterinary Medicine (MVM): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with terracotta silk.

Master of Veterinary Public Health (MVPH): Black silk or stuff, lined with terracotta silk and edged on the cape, cowl and neckband with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom).

Doctors (Higher Doctorates)

Doctor of Divinity (DD): Scarlet cloth, lined with white silk.

Doctor of Laws (LLD): Scarlet cloth, lined with venetian red silk.

Doctor of Letters (DLitt): Scarlet cloth, lined with purple silk (colour of bell heather).

Doctor of Music (DMus): Scarlet cloth, lined with azure blue silk.

Doctor of Science (DSc): Scarlet cloth, lined with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom).

Doctor of Science (DSc) in Dentistry: Scarlet cloth, lined with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom).

Doctor of Science (DSc) in Engineering: Scarlet cloth, lined with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom).

Doctor of Science (DSc) in Medicine: Scarlet cloth, lined with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom).

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (DVMS): Scarlet cloth lined and edged with terracotta silk.

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM): Scarlet cloth, lined with terracotta silk.

Doctor of Veterinary Surgery (DVS): Scarlet cloth, lined with terracotta silk.

Doctors (Doctors of Philosophy)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): Black silk, lined and edged with crimson silk.

Doctors (Doctors of Dentistry and Medicine)

Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (DCD): Black silk, lined and edged with emerald green silk.

Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS): Black silk, lined and edged with emerald green silk.

Doctor of Medicine (MD): Black silk, lined and edged with scarlet silk.

Doctors (Practitioner Doctorates)

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA): Black silk, lined and edged with orange silk (colour of Slender St John's Wort).

Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy): Black silk, lined and edged with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom).

Doctor of Education (EdD): Black silk, lined and edged with blue silk (colour of bluebell of Scotland).

Doctor of Engineering in Systems Level Integration (EngD): Black silk, lined and edged with plum-coloured silk.

Doctor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (DFA): Black silk, lined and edged with purple silk (colour of bell heather).

Doctor of Health Professions Education (DPHE): Black silk, lined and edged with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom)

Doctor of Practical Theology (DPT): Black silk, lined and edged with light cherry silk.

Doctors (Honorary Doctorates)

Doctor of the University (DUniv): Scarlet cloth lined with black silk with 1" gold ribbon on the outside edge, with cord and button on the yoke and open pointed sleeves reaching to the foot of the gown.

The hoods worn by other Honorary Graduates are those appropriate to the degrees listed above.

Degrees no longer awarded

Bachelor of Community Education and Community Development (BCommEdCommDev): Black stuff, lined with sky blue silk and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Law (BL): Black stuff, bordered on the inside with venetian red silk.

Doctor of Engineering (DEng):[3] Scarlet cloth lined and edged with plum coloured silk.

Doctor of Dental Science (DDSc): Scarlet cloth lined with emerald green silk and edged with yellow silk.

Doctor of Medicine (MD): Scarlet cloth, lined with scarlet silk (for awards made up to and including July 2001).

Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS): Scarlet cloth lined with emerald green silk (for awards made up to and including July 2001).

Licentiate in Theology: Academic Dress for this award was agreed by Senate in March 1965. Bachelors gown with a black `epitoge' edged with silk the colour of the BD Hood (light cherry) worn over the left shoulder.

Master of Applied Science (MAppSci): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom).

Master of Dental Surgery (MDS): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with emerald green silk.

MSc (Dental Science): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom).

Master of Surgery (ChM): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with scarlet silk.

Master of University Administration (MUnivAdmin): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with orange silk (colour of Slender St John's Wort).

Degrees awarded in conjunction with Glasgow School of Art

Bachelor of Architecture (BArch): Black stuff, lined with lime-coloured silk (colour of the lime flower)and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Design at the Glasgow School of Art: Black stuff, lined on the right with malachite green silk and on the left with swiss white silk and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Fine Art at the Glasgow School of Art: Black stuff, lined on the right with malachite green silk and on the left with swiss white silk and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Design (BDes): Black stuff, lined on the right with smalt blue silk and on the left with saffron silk, and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Master of Architecture (MArch): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with lime coloured silk (colour of the lime flower).

Master of Design (MDes) at the Glasgow School of Art: Black silk or stuff, lined and edged on the right with malachite green silk and on the left with swiss white silk.

Master of European Design (MEDes): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged on the right with smalt blue silk and on the left with saffron silk, and with the cowl bordered with malachite green silk.

Master of Fine Art (MFA) at the Glasgow School of Art: Black silk or stuff, lined and edged on the right with malachite green silk and on the left with swiss white silk.

See also Degrees in Product Design Engineering

Degrees awarded in conjunction with SRUC (Scotland’s Rural College)

Bachelor of Arts (SRUC) (BA (SRUC)): Black silk or stuff, lined and edged with purple silk (colour of bell heather),and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Science (SRUC) (BSc (SRUC)): Black stuff, lined with gold-coloured silk (colour of whin blossom) and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Technology (BTechnol) in Agriculture (previously Food Production and Land Use): Black stuff, lined on the right with green silk (colour of Bottle Sedge) and on the left with blue silk (colour of Vipers Bugloss) and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Technology (BTechnol) in Countryside Management: Black stuff, lined on the right with green silk (colour of Bottle Sedge) and on the left with blue silk (colour of Vipers Bugloss) and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Technology (BTechnol) in Food Technology (previously Food Production, Manufacturing and Marketing): Black stuff, lined on the right with green silk (colour of Bottle Sedge) and on the left with blue silk (colour of Vipers Bugloss) and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Technology (BTechnol) in Leisure and Recreation Management: Black stuff, lined on the right with green silk (colour of Bottle Sedge) and on the left with blue silk (colour of Vipers Bugloss) and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Bachelor of Technology (BTechnol) in Rural Recreation and Tourism Management: Black stuff, lined on the right with green silk (colour of Bottle Sedge) and on the left with blue silk (colour of Vipers Bugloss) and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord.

Degrees awarded in conjunction with the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (RSAMD)

(The RSAMD, now the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, obtained degree awarding powers in 1994 and degrees are now awarded directly by the Conservatoire)

Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Music: Black stuff, lined with blue silk (colour of bluebell of Scotland) and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord. [Discontinued]

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Dramatic Studies: black silk or stuff, lined and edged with purple silk (colour of bell heather)and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord. [Discontinued]

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Musical Studies: black silk or stuff, lined and edged with purple silk (colour of bell heather)and bordered on the outer edge with scarlet cord. [Discontinued]

[1] The MA, MEng and MSci are first degrees in the University of Glasgow

[2] Graduates awarded the degree before 2009 may elect to wear a hood of black silk or stuff, lined and edged with white silk

[3] The DEng may still be conferred honoris causa




Black velvet trencher cap trimmed with gold lace and with a gold tassel.


Black velvet trencher cap trimmed with gold lace and with a gold tassel.


Black velvet trencher cap trimmed with silver lace and with a silver tassel.

Student's Representative Council

The Academic Dress for Officers of the Students' Representative Council is:

SRC President and Past-President: Purple silk or stuff, faced with crimson silk, with golden cord and button on the yoke, full sleeves half the length of the gown and badges.

SRC Vice-Presidents: Purple silk or stuff, faced with a narrow band of black silk or stuff, with silver cord and button on the yoke, full sleeves half the length of the gown and badges.

Preses: Purple silk or stuff, faced with a narrow band of black silk or stuff, with silver cord and button on the yoke, and full sleeves half the length of the gown.

SRC Court Assessor: Dark red silk or stuff, with golden cord and button on the yoke, with full sleeves, half the length of the gown.

Ceremonial Dress

All members of the University taking part in University ceremonies wear their proper academic dress and dark clothes, with white bow-tie for men. Caps are worn or carried.

Dress for Graduands

At graduation ceremonies, graduands, whether they are already graduates or not, wear the full dress gown, and carry the hood, proper to the degree which they are about to receive. No other gown or hood should be worn.

The dress to be worn at graduation ceremonies is:

For men: Dark trousers and jacket or suit with white shirt, black shoes or boots, and unpatterned black tie. National or military dress may be worn.

For women: Dark trousers, skirt or suit with white blouse, or white or dark dress; dark shoes; tie, if worn, to be black. National or military dress may be worn.

Schedule of Dress Colours in the Pantone Color Matching System ®


Pantone ® number


Pantone ® number


Pantone ® number

Azure Blue


Light cherry


Slender St John’s wort




Lime flower


Smalt blue


Bell heather


Malachite green


Swiss white


Bluebell of Scotland






Bottle sedge




Venetian Red


Cornflower blue




Viper’s bugloss




Sky Blue 


Whin blossom


Emerald Green


Slate Grey


