Appointment of External Examiners
23.1 External examiners are usually appointed for four years, normally commencing on 1 October and completing their term of office on 30 September four years later. Once an external examiner's four-year term of office has expired, he or she may not be re-appointed as an external examiner for the University until five years have elapsed.
Occasionally, an external examiner may have been appointed for a term of office of less than four years. In such cases, the examiner's term of office may be extended, on application to the Senate Office.
The Senate Office advises Heads of School when an external examiner's appointment is due to expire and requests that steps be taken to appoint a replacement, except by agreement of the Senate.
Appointment Process
1. Head(s) of School completes a nomination form (see www.gla.ac.uk/services/senateoffice/qea/externalexaminers) and signs it. The form must be signed and endorsed by all the Head(s) of School, contributing to the course/programme.
In the case of intercalated degrees, due to the number of Schools involved, it is acceptable for the nominating School to obtain agreement via email from the other participating Schools and for the head of the nominating School only to sign the form. Evidence of these agreements should be included with the original nomination form.
2. The form is then passed to Senate Office for approval.
3. After consideration and approval, an appointment letter is sent to the examiner. Copies of this appointment letter are also sent to the Head of School Administration.
On appointment external examiners receive the following information:
- Note of Guidance for External Examiners for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses
- Guide to the Code of Assessment – Grading Student Performance
- Code of Assessment
- Registration Form