
Instructions to Candidates on their Conduct in Written Examinations

17.1 Instructions to candidates on the Conduct of all Examinations held in the University.

  1. Candidates are required to obey the instructions of the invigilator. It is the duty of the invigilator to prevent any behaviour likely to cause disturbance to other candidates. Candidates needing to leave the room for any purpose must first ask permission of the invigilator, who may accompany the candidate.
  2. Every candidate shall display for the invigilator's inspection a valid Student ID card or other form of photographic identification.
  3. Candidates are not permitted to have the following items in their possession during examinations: mobile telephones and other electronic devices such as personal music players and smart watches; any form of correction fluid or tape. Candidates must switch off all electrical devices and remove all prohibited items (including headphones) prior to the start of the examination and place them with other personal possessions in a closed bag or container which will be kept under their seat or in a designated location in the exam room for the duration of the examination.[1]
  4. Candidates may take bottled water into the examination room and keep it on their desk during the examination. All water bottles must be of clear transparent plastic with any labels removed prior to entry into the examination.
  5. Other than examination materials provided by the University, candidates shall not have access to any paper or book for the duration of the examination unless with the express written permission of the appropriate Head of School.[2] Prior to the start of the examination, unless permitted by the Head of School, candidates must place all material, including pencil cases and calculator covers, in a closed bag or container which will normally be kept in a designated location in the exam hall for the duration of the examination.
  6. Unless with the express written permission of the appropriate Head of School,[3] candidates shall not give or receive any assistance, or communicate by any means with one another or with any person other than an invigilator at any time during the examination period.[4]
  7. No calculator, nor any other hand-held electronic device, may be used by a candidate in an examination except with explicit approval from the relevant School. Such approval shall normally take the form of a published notice on School notice board(s) together with a statement incorporated into the instructions to candidates in the appropriate examination paper(s). Calculators or other hand-held electronic aids with a facility for either textual storage or display, or for graphical display, are excluded from use in examinations.[5]
  8. Candidates must write legibly. If examination scripts are found to be illegible to a substantial degree, candidates will be required to come to the University to dictate their script(s) in the presence of an invigilator and a charge will normally be levied.
  9. Candidates may not begin reading over or writing in script books or on answer sheets before the invigilator announces the start of the examination period and must cease writing when the invigilator announces the end of the period. Candidates may fill in the candidate attendance sheet and front cover of script books, where applicable, prior to the announced start of the examination.
  10. No part of any answer book shall be torn out or removed from the examination room.
  11. In examinations of two hours or longer, no candidate shall be allowed to enter the examination room after the first hour has expired, or to leave it within the first hour or the last half-hour. Except that an invigilator may, at his or her discretion, allow a candidate to enter after the first hour if no other candidate has left the examination.
  12. In examinations of less than two hours, no candidate will be permitted to exit during the exam.
  13. Both entry and exit to the examination hall shall be at the absolute discretion of the invigilator.
  14. In no case shall a candidate leave until an invigilator has collected his or her scripts or other examinable material.
  15. These arrangements shall apply to all examinations, including those for the purpose of continuous assessment, held in the University.

Any candidate who contravenes any of these instructions will be liable to penalties under the Code of Student Conduct (Regulation 33), which may include expulsion from the University.

[1] Any change in this regulation requires the prior agreement of the Senate.

[2] This permission will normally be in the form of a set of arrangements for an open-book or other non-traditional style of examination and will form part of the information provided to students at the beginning of the course that is being examined. Details should also be included in the rubric of the exam paper, for the attention of the invigilator(s).

[3] The extent to which collaboration may be allowed will form part of the information provided to students at the beginning of the course.

[4] Note – Exam conditions are in place from the moment the candidate enters the exam room.

[5] Any change in this regulation requires the prior agreement of the Senate.