Grade Conversion Tables for Study Abroad
These tables should only be used to convert grades FROM study abroad TO University of Glasgow grades. They should NOT be used to indicate the equivalence of University of Glasgow Grades to those from other institutions.
Translation of Grades Working Group – November 2020
[updates - February 2025]
[new tables added - February 2024]
[updates - January 2024]
Argentina |
Glasgow Grade |
10 |
A1 |
9 |
A4 |
8 |
B1 |
7 |
B3 |
6 |
C2 |
5 |
D1 |
4 |
D3 |
3 |
E2 |
2 |
F2 |
1 |
G2 |
The table is based on the current partnership with Universidad del Salvador.
Subjects with Partners in Argentina:
Australia |
Glasgow Grade |
90-100% |
A1 |
85-89 |
A3 |
80-84 |
A5 |
75-79 |
B1 |
70-74 |
B2 |
65-69 |
B3 |
60-64 |
C1 |
55-59 |
C3 |
50-54 |
D2 |
44-49 |
E1 |
39-43 |
E2 |
34-38 |
E3 |
29-33 |
F1 |
24-28 |
F2 |
19-23 |
F3 |
14-18 |
G1 |
9-13 |
G2 |
0-8 |
H |
University of Queensland Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
7 |
(High Distinction) |
A2 |
6 |
(Distinction) |
A4 |
5 |
(Credit) |
B2 |
4 |
(Pass) |
C2 |
3 |
(Limited Pass) |
D2 |
2 |
(Fail) |
E2 |
1 |
(Fail) |
F2 |
Queensland University of Technology Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
7 |
(85-100%) |
A3 |
6 |
(80-84%) |
A5 |
6 |
(75-79%) |
B1 |
5 |
(70-74%) |
B2 |
5 |
(65-69%) |
B3 |
4 |
(60-64%) |
C1 |
4 |
(50-59%) |
C3 |
3 |
(47-49%) |
D2 |
2 |
(35-46%) |
E2 |
2 |
(25-34%) |
F2 |
1 |
(0-24%) |
G1 |
The University of Queensland uses a different scale which precludes it from the national table above. Currently, Glasgow uses a unique conversion table for each of its Australian partners, notably with varying cut off points for failing grades (see QUT 7-point scale). Generally, Glasgow is more lenient particularly in the lower part of the spectrum than other UK institutions and so this national table attempts to standardise the grade classifications.
Subjects with Partners in Australia
Austria |
Glasgow Grade |
1 |
A3 |
2 |
B2 |
3 |
C2 |
4 |
D2 |
5 |
E2 |
The table is in line with Glasgow - ECTS – Austria conversion. This also brings Glasgow more in line with other institutions.
Subjects with Partners in Austria:
Education, Accounting and Finance, Economics, Business and Management
Azerbaijan |
Glasgow Grade |
A (4.0) |
A3 |
A- (3.7) |
A5 |
B+ (3.3) |
B1 |
B (3.0) |
B2 |
B- (2.7) |
B3 |
C+ (2.3) |
C1 |
C (2.0) |
C2 |
C- (1.7) |
C3 |
D+ (1.3) |
D1 |
D (1.0) |
D2 |
D- (0.0) |
D3 |
F (0.0) |
E2 |
The table is based on Glasgow’s only partnership in Azerbaijan with Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy University.
Subjects with Partners in Azerbaijan:
Belgium |
Glasgow Grade |
20 |
A1 |
19 |
A2 |
18 |
A3 |
17 |
A4 |
16 |
A5 |
15 |
B1 |
14 |
B2 |
13 |
B2 |
12 |
B3 |
11 |
C2 |
10 |
D2 |
9 |
E1 |
8 |
E2 |
7 |
E3 |
6 |
F1 |
5 |
F2 |
4 |
F3 |
3 |
G1 |
2 |
G2 |
1 |
H |
Subjects with Partners in Belgium:
Accounting and Finance, Business and Management, Economics, Law, Psychology
Brazil |
Glasgow Grade |
9.5-10 |
A2 |
8.6-9.4 |
A5 |
8.0-8.5 |
B1 |
7.0-7.9 |
B3 |
6.0-6.9 |
C2 |
5.0-5.9 |
D2 |
3.0-4.9 |
E2 |
<3.0 |
F1 |
Based on the current Glasgow partnership with Sao Paolo State University.
Subjects with Partners in Brazil:
Majority of Partners
Canada |
Glasgow Grade |
A+ (4.0) |
A3 |
A (4.0) |
A5 |
A- (3.7) |
B1 |
B+ (3.3) |
B2 |
B (3.0) |
B3 |
B- (2.7) |
B3 |
C+ (2.3) |
C1 |
C (2.0) |
C2 |
C- (1.7) |
C3 |
(D+ (1.3)) |
D1 |
D (1.0) |
D2 |
(D- (0.0)) |
D3 |
F (0.0) |
E2 |
University of British Columbia (Law Students only)
UBC Grade (Law only) |
Glasgow Grade |
A+ (4.0) |
A1 |
A (4.0) |
A3 |
A- (3.7) |
A5 |
B+ (3.3) |
B1 |
B (3.0) |
B2 |
B- (2.7) |
B3 |
C+ (2.3) |
C1 |
C (2.0) |
C2 |
C- (1.7) |
C3 |
(D+ (1.3)) |
D1 |
D (1.0) |
D2 |
F (0.0) |
E2 |
McGill University
McGill Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
A |
A3 |
A- |
A5 |
B+ |
B1 |
B |
B2 |
B- |
C1 |
C+ |
C3 |
C |
D1 |
D |
D2 |
F |
E2 |
Based on the current Glasgow partnerships in Canada.
Subjects with Partners in Canada:
Grades from Universities of British Columbia (UBC), Ottawa and Toronto should be converted using the general Canada table.
Chile |
Glasgow Grade |
6.75-7.0 |
A1 |
6.25-6.74 |
A3 |
6.00-6.24 |
A5 |
5.75-5.99 |
B1 |
5.25-5.74 |
B2 |
5.0-5.24 |
B3 |
4.75-4.99 |
C1 |
4.25-4.74 |
C3 |
4.0-4.24 |
D2 |
1.0-3.99 |
E2 |
Based on the current Glasgow partnership with PUC.
Subjects with Partners in Chile
China and Hong Kong
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Sun Yat-Sen University, University of Hong Kong
China and Hong Kong Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
A+ |
A1 |
A |
A3 |
A- |
A5 |
B+ |
B1 |
B |
B2 |
B- |
B3 |
C+ |
C1 |
C |
C2 |
C- |
C3 |
D |
D2 |
F |
E2 |
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
A |
A2 |
A- |
A5 |
B+ |
B1 |
B |
B2 |
B- |
B3 |
C+ |
C1 |
C |
C2 |
C- |
C3 |
D+ |
D1 |
D |
D3 |
F |
E2 |
University of Nottingham, Ningbo
China Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
86-100 |
A1 |
75-85 |
A3 |
70-74 |
A5 |
67-69 |
B1 |
64-66 |
B2 |
60-63 |
B3 |
57-59 |
C1 |
54-56 |
C2 |
50-53 |
C3 |
47-49 |
D1 |
44-46 |
D2 |
40-43 |
D3 |
30-39 |
E2 |
<30 |
F2 |
Local grade |
Descriptor |
Glasgow grade |
New Table: Conversions subject to review following feedback from returning students |
90-100 |
A |
Excellent |
A3 |
80-89 |
B |
Very good |
B1 |
70-79 |
C |
Good |
B3 |
65-69 |
D |
Satisfactory |
C1 |
60-64 |
E |
Sufficient |
D1 |
50-59 |
Fx |
Fail |
E1 |
>50 |
F |
Fail |
E3 |
Based on the current Glasgow partnerships in China and Hong Kong.
Subjects with Partners in China and Hong Kong
Czech Republic
Czech Republic |
Glasgow Grade |
1 |
A3 |
1.5 |
B1 |
2 |
B3 |
2.5 |
C2 |
3 |
D2 |
4 |
F3 |
Charles University in Prague
Charles University in Prague Grade |
ECTS Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
1 |
výborně/excellent |
A (top 10%) |
A3 |
2 |
velmi dobře/very good |
B (next 25%) |
B1 |
3 |
dobře /good |
C (next 30%) |
B3 |
3 |
dobře /good |
D (next 25%) |
C2 |
3 |
dobře /good |
E (bottom 10%) |
D3 |
4 |
nevyhověl/fail |
FX |
E2 |
Czech universities use a 1-4 grading scale, however, Charles University is different as it does not use decimal points. Grades at Czech universities have been assigned with corresponding ECTS grades, which are then converted into Glasgow grades.
Subjects with Partners in the Czech Republic
Chemistry, Engineering, Law, Life Sciences, Physics, Slavonic Studies, Theology and Religious Studies
Denmark |
Glasgow Grade |
12 |
A3 |
10 |
B1 |
7 |
B3 |
4 |
C2 |
2 |
D2 |
0 |
E2 |
-3 |
G2 |
Based on the current Glasgow partnerships in Denmark.
Subjects with Partners in Denmark
Accounting and Finance, Economics, Business and Management, Law, Politics, Sociology
Estonia Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
A (5) |
A3 |
B (4) |
B1 |
C (3) |
B3 |
D (2) |
C2 |
E (1) |
D2 |
F (0) |
E2 |
Based on the current Glasgow partnership in Estonia.
Subjects with Partners in Estonia
Central and East European Studies
Finland |
Glasgow Grade |
5 |
A3 |
4 |
B1 |
3 |
B3 |
2 |
C2 |
1 |
D2 |
0 |
E2 |
Based on the current Glasgow partnerships in Finland.
Subjects with Partners in Finland
Central & East European Studies, Computing Science, Economics, Education, English Language, Law, Life Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Music, Politics, Sociology
France |
Glasgow Grade |
20 |
A1 |
19 |
A2 |
18 |
A2 |
17 |
A3 |
16 |
A4 |
15 |
A5 |
14 |
B1 |
13 |
B2 |
12 |
B3 |
11 |
C2 |
10 |
D1 |
9 |
E1 |
8 |
E2 |
7 |
E2 |
6 |
E3 |
5 |
F1 |
4 |
F2 |
3 |
F2 |
2 |
F3 |
1 |
G1 |
0 |
H |
Based on the majority of current Glasgow partnerships. Updated April 2019.
Subjects with Partners in France
Accounting and Finance, Aerospace Engineering, Business and Management, Civil Engineering, Economics, Education, Electrical Engineering, Geography, History, History if Art, Law, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Politics, Statistics
Germany |
Glasgow Grade |
1.0 -1.2 |
A2 |
1.3 -1.6 |
A4 |
1.7 |
A5 |
1.8 - 2.2 |
B1 |
2.3 - 2.7 |
B2 |
2.8 - 3.0 |
B3 |
3.1 - 3.3 |
C1 |
3.4 - 3.7 |
C3 |
3.8 - 4.0 |
D2 |
4.1 - 4.3 |
E1 |
4.4 - 4.7 |
E2 |
4.8 - 5.0 |
E3 |
Germany (Law) |
Glasgow Grade |
18 |
A1 |
17 |
A2 |
16 |
A2 |
15 |
A3 |
14 |
A4 |
13 |
A5 |
12 |
A5 |
11 |
B1 |
10 |
B2 |
9 |
B2 |
8 |
B3 |
7 |
C1 |
6 |
C2 |
5 |
C3 |
4 |
D2 |
1-3 |
E / F |
0 |
G |
These conversion tables cover all of the possible grades received in Germany.
Subjects with Partners in Germany
Accounting and Finance, Aerospace Engineering, Chemistry, Economics, German Studies, History, History of Art, Law, Management, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Music, Physics, Psychology, Sociology, Statistics, Theatre Studies, Theology and Religious Studies
Greece (Athens) |
Descriptor |
Glasgow grade |
New Table: Conversions subject to review following feedback from returning students |
10 |
Excellent |
A3 |
9 |
Excellent |
A5 |
8 |
Very Good |
B1 |
7 |
Very Good |
B3 |
6 |
Good |
C1 |
5 |
Good |
C3 |
4 |
Weak |
E1 |
3 |
Very weak |
E3 |
2 |
Fail |
F1 |
1 |
Poor fail |
F3 |
Based on equivalent Glasgow partnerships.
Subjects with Partners in Greece
Hungary |
Glasgow Grade |
5 |
A3 |
4 |
B2 |
3 |
C2 |
2 |
D2 |
1 |
E2 |
Based on the current Glasgow partnerships.
Subjects with Partners in Hungary
Central & East European languages, Electrical Engineering
Iceland |
Glasgow Grade |
9-10 |
A2 |
8.5-8.9 |
A5 |
8.0-8.4 |
B1 |
7.0-7.9 |
B3 |
6.0-6.9 |
C2 |
5.0-5.9 |
D2 |
<4.9 |
E2 |
Based on the current Glasgow partnerships in Iceland.
Subjects with Partners in Iceland
Accounting & Finance, Archaeology, Geography, Law, Management
Indonesia |
Glasgow Grade |
A |
A1 |
A- |
A3 |
B+ |
A5 |
B |
B1 |
B- |
B3 |
C+ |
C1 |
C |
D1 |
D |
F2 |
E |
H |
Gadjah Mada University |
Glasgow Grade |
A |
A3 |
A- |
A5 |
B+ |
B1 |
B |
B2 |
B- |
B3 |
C+ |
C1 |
C |
C3 |
D |
D2 |
E |
E2 |
See attached rationale document
Subjects with Partners in Indonesia
Politics, Social Sciences (MA(Soc)) at Gadjah Mada.
Ireland |
Glasgow Grade |
92 |
A1 |
85 |
A2 |
79 |
A3 |
74 |
A4 |
70 |
A5 |
67 |
B1 |
64 |
B2 |
60 |
B3 |
57 |
C1 |
54 |
C2 |
50 |
C3 |
47 |
D1 |
44 |
D2 |
40 |
D3 |
37 |
34 |
E2 |
30 |
E3 |
27 |
F1 |
24 |
F2 |
20 |
F3 |
15 |
G1 |
10 |
G2 |
0 |
H |
Based on the current Glasgow partnerships. Irish universities follow the same grade classifications as the UK.
Subjects with Partners in Ireland
Archaeology, Celtic Studies, Computing
Italy |
Glasgow Grade |
30 e Lode |
A1 |
30 |
A4 |
28-29 |
B1 |
26-27 |
B2 |
25 |
B3 |
24 |
C1 |
22-23 |
C2 |
21 |
C3 |
20 |
D1 |
19 |
D2 |
18 |
D3 |
16-17 |
E1 |
14-15 |
E2 |
12-13 |
E3 |
10-11 |
F1 |
8-9 |
F2 |
6-7 |
F3 |
3-5 |
G1 |
0-2 |
G2 |
Bocconi University and Padua University
Bocconi University/Padua University Grades |
Glasgow Grade |
30 e Lode |
A1 |
30 |
A2 |
29 |
A3 |
28 |
A4 |
27 |
A5 |
26 |
B1 |
25 |
B2 |
24 |
B3 |
23 |
C1 |
22 |
C2 |
21 |
C3 |
20 |
D1 |
19 |
D2 |
18 |
D3 |
16-17 |
E1 |
14-15 |
E2 |
12-13 |
E3 |
10-11 |
F1 |
8-9 |
F2 |
6-7 |
F3 |
3-5 |
G1 |
0-2 |
G2 |
Bocconi University – School of Law only |
Glasgow Grade |
30 e Lode |
A2 |
30 |
A3 |
29 |
A4 |
28 |
A5 |
27 |
B1 |
26 |
B1 |
25 |
B2 |
24 |
B3 |
23 |
C1 |
22 |
C2 |
21 |
C3 |
20 |
D1 |
19 |
D2 |
18 |
D3 |
16-17 |
E1 |
14-15 |
E2 |
12-13 |
E3 |
10-11 |
F1 |
8-9 |
F2 |
6-7 |
F3 |
3-5 |
G1 |
0-2 |
G2 |
Based on the majority of current Glasgow partnerships in Italy. Bocconi University conversion is based on specific knowledge and experience reported by the Adam Smith Business School.
Padua University is considered to operate similar standards to Bocconi. [TGSASC Nov 18]
Subjects with Partners in Italy
Accounting and Finance, Business and Management, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Law, Mathematics, Scottish Literature
Hitotsubashi, Japan |
Glasgow Grade |
90-100 (S) |
A2 |
90-100 (A+) |
A4 |
80-89.99 (A) |
A5 |
70-79.99 (B) |
B2 |
60-69.99 (C) |
C2 |
0-59.99 (F) |
E2 |
No numerical grade (P) |
P |
Keio, University Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
S |
A3 |
A |
B1 |
B |
B3 |
C |
C2 |
D |
D2 |
F |
E2 |
Kyoto University Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
A+ |
A1 |
A |
A4 |
B |
B2 |
C |
C2 |
D |
D2 |
F |
E2 |
Tokyo and Waseda
Tokyo/Waseda, Japan |
Glasgow Grade |
A+ |
A3 |
A |
B2 |
B |
C2 |
C |
D2 |
F |
F2 |
See attached rationale document. Note: Tokyo and Waseda practice has recently been observed as returning letter grades only. The table has been updated (April 2019) to reflect this. If further evidence is provided, i.e. numeric grades, A1 etc may be given.
Subjects with Partners in Japan
Latvia |
Glasgow Grade |
10 |
A2 |
9 |
B1 |
8 |
B3 |
7 |
C2 |
6 |
C3 |
5 |
D2 |
4 |
D3 |
1-3 |
E2 |
Based on the conversion table for Glasgow’s only partner in Latvia, Daugavpils University.
Subjects with Partners in Latvia
Central & East European Studies
Lithuania |
Glasgow Grade |
10 |
A3 |
9 |
B1 |
8 |
B3 |
7 |
C1 |
6 |
C3 |
5 |
D2 |
4 |
E2 |
3 |
E3 |
2 |
F2 |
1 |
H |
Based on the current Glasgow partnership.
Subjects with Partners in Lithuania
Central and East European Studies, Law
Nottingham, Malaysia |
Glasgow Grade |
86-100 |
A1 |
75-85 |
A3 |
70-74 |
A5 |
67-69 |
B1 |
64-66 |
B2 |
60-63 |
B3 |
57-59 |
C1 |
54-56 |
C2 |
50-53 |
C3 |
47-49 |
D1 |
44-46 |
D2 |
40-43 |
D3 |
30-39 |
E2 |
<30 |
F2 |
Based on the current Glasgow partnership.
Subjects with Partners in Malaysia
Mexico |
Glasgow Grade |
98-100 |
A1 |
96-97 |
A2 |
94-95 |
A3 |
92-93 |
A4 |
90-91 |
A5 |
87-89 |
B1 |
84-86 |
B2 |
81-83 |
B3 |
79-80 |
C1 |
77-78 |
C2 |
75-76 |
C3 |
73-74 |
D1 |
71-72 |
D2 |
70 |
D3 |
60-69 |
E2 |
40-59 |
F2 |
0-39 |
H |
See attached rationale document
Subjects with Partners in Mexico
The Netherlands
The Netherlands Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
10 |
A1 |
9.5 |
A2 |
9 |
A3 |
8.5 |
A4 |
8.3 |
A5 |
8 |
B1 |
7.5 |
B2 |
7 |
B3 |
6.5 |
C1 |
6 |
C3 |
5.5 |
D2 |
5 |
E1 |
0-4 |
F2 |
University of Leiden (Law only)
University of Leiden (Bachelors courses only) |
Glasgow Grade |
10 |
A1 |
9.5 |
A2 |
9 |
A3 |
8.5 |
A4 |
8 |
A5 |
7.5 |
B1 |
7 |
B3 |
6.5 |
C1 |
6 |
C3 |
5.5 |
D2 |
5 |
E1 |
0-4 |
F2 |
The main table is based on the majority of Glasgow contracts in the Netherlands. The University of Leiden table was requested for Law students based on specific knowledge and experience of marking practice. The main table remains appropriate for Masters courses.
Note on Radboud University
Radboud lists any course component achieving less than 5.5 as “Fail”. This means that the course overall is listed as failed, regardless of other component results, and does not appear on the transcript. This should be regarded as equivalent to E1 grade unless it has been possible to obtain more granular information from colleagues at Radboud to allow a different grade to be calculated.
Subjects with Partners in The Netherlands
Accounting and Finance, Aerospace Engineering, Business and Management, Central and East European Studies, Computing Science, Digital Media and Information Studies, Economics, Economic and Social History, Education, English Language, History, Interdisciplinary Studies, Law, Life Sciences, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Urban Studies
New Zealand
University of Auckland
University of Auckland Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
A+ |
A1 |
A |
A3 |
A- |
A5 |
B+ |
B1 |
B |
B2 |
B- |
B3 |
C+ |
C1 |
C |
D1 |
C- |
D2 |
D+ |
E2 |
D |
F2 |
D- |
G2 |
University of Otago and University of Waikato
University of Otago |
Glasgow Grade |
Grade |
% |
A+ (distinction) |
90-100 |
A1 |
A (distinction) |
85-89 |
A3 |
A- (distinction) |
80-84 |
A5 |
B+ (Div 1, 73-79) |
75-79 |
B1 |
B (Div 1, 73-79) |
70-74 |
B3 |
B- (Div 2, 65-72) |
65-69 |
C1 |
C+ |
60-64 |
C3 |
C |
55-59 |
D2 |
C- |
50-54 |
D3 |
D Fail |
40-49 |
E2 |
E Fail |
0-40 |
F2 |
Note: Conversions from University of Waikato should use the main Canada table. However, as this table has not been tested with results from this institution, conversions will be subject to review following feedback from returning students.
Each of Glasgow’s partners use different grading scales. These conversions are based on the existing tables.
Subjects with Partners in New Zealand
Norway |
Glasgow Grade |
A |
A3 |
B |
B1 |
C |
B3 |
D |
C2 |
E |
D2 |
F |
F2 |
Based on the current Glasgow partnerships in Norway.
Subjects with Partners in Norway
Design Engineering, Geography, Law, Life Sciences, Mechanical Engineering
Poland |
Glasgow Grade |
(5.0! Excellent) |
(A1) |
5.0 Excellent |
A3 |
4.5 Very good |
B1 |
4.0 Good |
B3 |
3.5 Satisfactory |
C2 |
3.0 Sufficient |
D2 |
(2.5 Fail) |
(E2) |
2.0 Fail |
F1 |
This conversion table is a hybrid of the tables for Warsaw University and Kozminski University. Polish universities use a 5-point scale. However, the University of Warsaw awards a higher distinction grade 5 and so an A1 mark has been utilised for the Glasgow conversion table. Furthermore, Kozminski University has two distinct fail grades and so both of these grade classifications have been included.
Subjects with Partners in Poland
Accounting and Finance, Central & East European Studies, Economics, Management, Slavonic Studies
Portugal |
Glasgow Grade |
20 |
A1 |
19 |
A2 |
18 |
A3 |
17 |
A4 |
16 |
A5 |
15 |
B1 |
14 |
B2 |
13 |
B3 |
12 |
C1 |
11 |
C3 |
10 |
D2 |
9 |
E1 |
8 |
E3 |
7 |
F2 |
4-6 |
F3 |
0-3 |
G1 |
This conversion table is based on the existing table for Catolica Lisbon SBE. Note that this will put the passing grade at the University of Coimbra in line with the other Portuguese universities.
Subjects with Partners in Portugal
Economics, Management, Mechanical Engineering
Romania |
Definition |
ECTS Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
10 |
Excellent |
A |
A3 |
9 |
Very good |
B |
B1 |
8 |
Good |
C |
B3 |
7 |
Good |
C |
C1 |
6 |
Satisfactory |
D |
C2 |
5 |
Sufficient |
E |
D2 |
4 |
Failed |
X |
E2 |
1-3 |
Failed |
F |
F3 |
Romania (Bucharest) |
Descriptor |
Glasgow grade |
New Table: Conversions subject to review following feedback from returning students |
10 |
Excellent |
A |
A3 |
9 |
Very good |
B |
A5 |
8 |
Good |
C |
B1 |
7 |
Good |
C |
B3 |
6 |
Satisfactory |
D |
C1 |
5 |
Sufficient |
E |
D1 |
4 |
Failed |
FX |
E1 |
3 |
Failed |
F |
E2 |
2 |
Failed |
F |
E3 |
1 |
Failed |
F |
F2 |
The Romanian grading system is based on a 10-point scale. The Glasgow grades reflect the direct ECTS conversion. A 7-8 grade in Romania is equivalent to an ECTS grade C. These have been separated into upper (8 = B3) and lower (7 = C2) classifications.
Subjects with Partners in Romania
(5.0 scale)
Singapore (5.0 scale) |
Number |
Glasgow Grade |
A+ |
5 |
A1 |
A |
5 |
A3 |
A- |
4.5 |
A5 |
B+ |
4 |
B1 |
B |
3.5 |
B3 |
B- |
3 |
C1 |
C+ |
2.5 |
C3 |
C (pass) |
2.0 |
D2 |
D+ |
1.5 |
E2 |
D |
1.0 |
F1 |
F |
0 |
H |
(4.3 Scale)
Singapore (4.3 Scale) |
Number |
Glasgow Grade |
A+ |
4.3 |
A1 |
A |
4.0 |
A3 |
A- |
3.7 |
A5 |
B+ |
3.3 |
B1 |
B |
3.0 |
B2 |
B- |
2.7 |
B3 |
C+ |
2.3 |
C1 |
C |
2.0 |
C3 |
C- |
1.7 |
D2 |
D+ |
1.3 |
E2 |
D |
1.0 |
F2 |
F |
0.0 |
G2 |
Based on current partnerships in Singapore.
Subjects with Partners in Singapore
Slovenia |
ECTS Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
10 (excellent) |
A |
A3 |
9 (very good) |
B |
B1 |
8 (very good) |
C |
B3 |
7 (good) |
D |
C2 |
6 (satisfactory) |
E |
D2 |
1-5 (fail) |
F |
E2 |
Based on the current conversion tables for both Slovenian partners.
Subjects with Partners in Slovenia
Accounting and Finance, Economics, Management, Mechanical Engineering
South Africa
South Africa |
Glasgow Grade |
90-100 |
A1 |
85-89 |
A2 |
80-84 |
A3 |
77-79 |
A4 |
75-76 |
A5 |
72-74 |
B1 |
71 |
B2 |
70 |
B3 |
67-69 |
C1 |
64-66 |
C2 |
60-63 |
C3 |
57-59 |
D1 |
55-56 |
D2 |
50-54 |
D3 |
45-49 |
E2 |
40-44 |
F1 |
35-39 |
F3 |
30-34 |
G1 |
29 or less |
G2 |
Based on the current conversion table for Glasgow’s only South African partner, the University of Cape Town.
Subjects with Partners in South Africa
South Korea
(4.3 Scale)
South Korea (4.3 Scale) |
Grade Point |
Glasgow Grade |
A + |
4.3 |
A1 |
A 0 |
4.0 |
A3 |
A - |
3.7 |
A5 |
B + |
3.3 |
B1 |
B 0 |
3.0 |
B2 |
B - |
2.7 |
B3 |
C + |
2.3 |
C1 |
C 0 |
2.0 |
C2 |
C - |
1.7 |
C3 |
D + |
1.3 |
D1 |
D 0 |
1.0 |
D2 |
D - |
0.7 |
D3 |
Failure |
0 |
E2 |
(4.3 Scale) for College of Social Sciences Students
South Korea (4.3 Scale) |
Grade Point |
Glasgow Grade |
A + |
4.3 |
A3 |
A 0 |
4.0 |
A5 |
A - |
3.7 |
B1 |
B + |
3.3 |
B2 |
B 0 |
3.0 |
B3 |
B - |
2.7 |
C1 |
C + |
2.3 |
C2 |
C 0 |
2.0 |
C3 |
C - |
1.7 |
D1 |
D + |
1.3 |
D2 |
D 0 |
1.0 |
D3 |
D - |
0.7 |
E2 |
Failure |
0 |
F2 |
(4.5 scale)
Korea University (4.5 Scale) |
Grade Point |
Glasgow Grade |
A+ |
4.50 |
A3 |
A |
4.00 |
A5 |
B+ |
3.50 |
B2 |
B |
3.00 |
B3 |
C+ |
2.50 |
C2 |
C |
2.00 |
C3 |
D+ |
1.50 |
D1 |
D |
1.00 |
D2 |
F |
0.00 |
E2 |
Korea University is unlike the Seoul National University and Yonsei University because it uses a 4.5 scale rather than a 4.3 scale. The Glasgow grades have been produced based on the current national conversion table for USA/Korea and the percentage worth of the Korea University grades.
For more detail, see the attached rationale document.
Subjects with Partners in South Korea
Spain |
Glasgow Grade |
10 |
A1 |
9.7-9.9 |
A2 |
9.5-9.6 |
A3 |
9.2-9.4 |
A4 |
8.5-9.1 |
A5 |
8.0-8.4 |
B1 |
7.0-7.9 |
B3 |
6.0-6.9 |
C2 |
5.0-5.9 |
D2 |
4.0-4.9 |
E2 |
0.0-3.9 |
F2 |
University of Granada
University of Granada – School of Law only |
Glasgow Grade |
10 |
A2 |
9.7-9.9 |
A3 |
9.5-9.6 |
A4 |
9.2-9.4 |
A5 |
8.5-9.1 |
B1 |
8.0-8.4 |
B2 |
7.0-7.9 |
B3 |
6.0-6.9 |
C2 |
5.0-5.9 |
D2 |
4.0-4.9 |
E2 |
0.0-3.9 |
F2 |
In Spain, universities use a standardised 10-point scale. This table is based on the existing conversion tables, while being more precise than some of those currently used.
The School of Law has noted a high incidence of A grades achieved by students returning from the University of Granada which indicates that the Spanish conversion table is out of step with marking practice on the LLB degree in Glasgow. The additional table, specific to Law at University of Granada, seeks to reflect student performance more accurately.
Subjects with Partners in Spain
Accounting & Finance, Aerospace Engineering, Chemistry, Economics, Education, Electrical Engineering, English Language, Law, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy, Psychology
Jonkoping Grade |
ECTS Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
Utmärkt |
A |
A3 |
Excellent |
Mycket bra |
B |
B1 |
Very good |
Bra |
C |
B3 |
Good |
Tillfredsställande |
D |
C2 |
Satisfactory |
Tillräckligt |
E |
D2 |
Sufficient |
Otillräckligt |
FX |
E2 |
Fail |
Helt otillräckligt |
F |
F2 |
Fail |
University of Lund Grade |
ECTS Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
AB |
A |
A3 |
AB |
B |
B1 |
BA |
C |
B3 |
BA |
D |
C2 |
B |
E |
D2 |
U |
FX |
E2 |
U |
F |
F2 |
University of Lund Grade (Faculty of Engineering) |
Glasgow Grade |
5 |
A3 |
4 |
B2 |
3 |
C1 |
Fail |
F2 |
Stockholm University Grade |
ECTS Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
AB |
A |
A3 |
AB |
B |
B1 |
C |
B3 |
BA |
D |
C2 |
B |
E |
D2 |
U |
FX |
E2 |
U |
F |
F2 |
University of Gothenburg Grade |
ECTS Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
AB or VG (+) |
A |
A3 |
AB or VG |
B |
B1 |
Ba or G (+) |
C |
B3 |
B or G |
D |
C2 |
B or G (-) |
E |
D3 |
U |
FX |
E2 |
U |
F |
F2 |
University of Uppsala |
ECTS Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
AB |
A |
A3 |
AB |
B |
B1 |
BA |
C |
B3 |
B |
D |
C2 |
B |
E |
D2 |
U |
FX |
E2 |
U |
F |
F2 |
Swedish universities use unique grading scales and so there are a range of practices. Therefore, each partner requires a specific table. In addition, each University, e.g. Lund, may operate a variety of scales across their faculties. Co-ordinators and students are advised to ascertain which scale is in use prior to grade conversion.
Subjects with Partners in Sweden
Accounting and Finance, Business and Management, Economics, Electrical Engineering, English Language, English Literature, Film Studies, Geography, Law, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Politics, Sociology, Theatre Studies Sociology, Theology & Religious Studies
Switzerland |
ECTS Grade |
Glasgow Grade |
6.0 |
A (Excellent) |
A1 |
5.75 |
A (Excellent) |
A2 |
5.5 |
A (Excellent) |
A4 |
5.25 |
A (Excellent) |
A5 |
5.0 |
B (Very Good) |
B1 |
4.75 |
B (Very Good) |
B3 |
4.5 |
C (Good) |
C1 |
4.25 |
C (Good) |
C3 |
4.0-4.24 |
E (Pass) |
D2 |
3.0-3.5 |
F (Fail) |
E2 |
< 3.0 |
F (Fail) |
F2 |
This table is based on the conversion table for the University of Geneva. Note that this table is more specific and also more lenient than the current table for the University of Fribourg. This puts Glasgow’s conversions in line with the University of Bristol.
This table was expanded in August 2021 to reflect the full range of grades being reported by returning students.
Subjects with Partners in Switzerland
English Language, English Literature, Law
Turkey |
Grade Point |
Glasgow Grade |
A+ |
4.0 |
A1 |
A |
4.0 |
A3 |
A- |
3.67 |
A5 |
B+ |
3.33 |
B1 |
B |
3.0 |
B2 |
B- |
2.67 |
B3 |
C+ |
2.33 |
C1 |
C |
2.0 |
C2 |
C- |
1.67 |
C3 |
D+ |
1.33 |
D1 |
D |
1.0 |
D2 |
D- |
0.67 |
D3 |
F |
0.0 |
E2 |
Bilkent University is Glasgow’s only partner in Turkey. The grading scale used at Bilkent University is the same as the US 4.0 scale.
Subjects with Partners in Turkey
USA (System 1) |
Grade Point |
Glasgow Grade |
A+ |
4.0 |
A1 |
A |
4.0 |
A3 |
A- |
3.67 |
A5 |
B+ |
3.33 |
B1 |
B |
3.0 |
B2 |
B- |
2.67 |
B3 |
C+ |
2.33 |
C1 |
C |
2.0 |
C2 |
C- |
1.67 |
C3 |
D+ |
1.33 |
D1 |
D |
1.0 |
D2 |
(D-) |
(0.67) |
(D3) |
F |
0.0 |
E2 |
USA (System 2) |
Grade Point |
Glasgow Grade |
A |
4.0 |
A3 |
A- |
3.67 |
A5 |
B+ |
3.33 |
B1 |
B |
3.0 |
B2 |
B- |
2.67 |
B3 |
C+ |
2.33 |
C1 |
C |
2.0 |
C2 |
C- |
1.67 |
C3 |
D+ |
1.33 |
D1 |
D |
1.0 |
D2 |
D- |
0.67 |
D3 |
F |
0.0 |
E2 |
USA (System 3) |
Grade Point |
Glasgow Grade |
A |
4.0 |
A3 |
AB |
3.5 |
B1 |
B |
3.0 |
B2 |
BC |
2.5 |
C1 |
C |
2.0 |
C2 |
D |
1.0 |
D2 |
F |
0.0 |
E2 |
USA (System 4) |
Glasgow Grade |
A |
A3 |
B |
B2 |
C |
C2 |
D |
D2 |
F |
E2 |
University of Alabama (Social Sciences students only) |
Grade Point |
Glasgow Grade |
A+ |
4.33 |
A3 |
A |
4.0 |
A5 |
A- |
3.67 |
B1 |
B+ |
3.33 |
B2 |
B |
3.0 |
B3 |
B- |
2.67 |
B3 |
C+ |
2.33 |
C1 |
C |
2.0 |
C2 |
C- |
1.67 |
C3 |
D+ |
1.33 |
D1 |
D |
1.0 |
D2 |
F |
0.0 |
E2 |
University of California (Social Science students only) University of Alaska Fairbanks |
Grade Point |
Glasgow Grade |
A+ |
4.0 |
A3 |
A |
4.0 |
A5 |
A- |
3.7 |
B1 |
B+ |
3.3 |
B2 |
B |
3.0 |
B3 |
B- |
2.7 |
C1 |
C+ |
2.3 |
C2 |
C |
2.0 |
C3 |
C- |
1.7 |
D1 |
D+ |
1.3 |
D2 |
D |
1.0 |
D3 |
F |
0.0 |
E2 |
University of Maryland (Social Science students only) |
Grade Point |
Glasgow Grade |
A+ |
4.0 |
A3 |
A |
4.0 |
A4 |
A- |
3.7 |
A5 |
B+ |
3.3 |
B1 |
B |
3.0 |
B2 |
B- |
2.7 |
B3 |
C+ |
2.3 |
C1 |
C |
2.0 |
C2 |
C- |
1.7 |
C3 |
D+ |
1.3 |
D1 |
D |
1.0 |
D2 |
F |
0.0 |
E2 |
Grade Systems 1-4 – These tables are based on the majority of Glasgow contracts using these grading scales. Note that there are a number of universities with slight variations to these general grading. These include:
System 1 - University of Miami, University of North Carolina [Law], St John’s University (No D- Grade)
System 2 – SUNY Buffalo [Law] (No C+, C-, D+, D- grades)
System 2 – Boston College (No B grade)
System 2 - University of Massachusetts, Northland College (No D- grade)
System 2 – American University, Washington (No D+, D- grades)
Subjects with Partners in the USA