17th Annual University of Glasgow Learning & Teaching Conference
Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice
Wednesday 27th March 2024 (on campus)
Tuesday 9th April 2024 (online)
Conference format and venue
The 2024 Conference was a hybrid event taking place over 2 days.
Day One (27th March)
This was on campus in the James McCune Smith Learning Hub, and was a CPD event open to all staff at UofG.
Practitioners with experience of designing and facilitating active learning sessions ran interactive workshops related to the conference theme and subthemes.
Day Two (13th April)
This was an online event with pre-recorded video presentations followed by live Q&A. All presentations are now available on YouTube.
Conference Theme
Conference Theme: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice
This theme will allow us to consider how we can ensure that our approaches to learning, teaching and assessment are closely aligned with the Learning and Teaching Strategy and that the institution can fully support colleagues across our university community who seek to embed these approaches in their own teaching practices.
The sub-themes are designed to expand on the overall Conference theme and to help us to further embed the pillars of the current Learning and Teaching Strategy in our teaching and assessment practices, and to showcase how practitioners are achieving this.
Assessment and Feedback Policy and Practice
This pillar of the University's Learning and Teaching Strategy supports the develop of sector-leading, evidence-based inclusive approach to assessment and feedback that enables our students to be lifelong, self-regulated learners and to actively contribute to assessment and feedback processes. At the heart of the approach will be meaningful, iterative, programmatic, and inclusive assessment and feedback that is responsive to changes in higher education and the workplace. We welcome submissions that align with one or more of these areas.
Transforming Curricula
The ‘Transforming Curricula’ pillar of the Learning and Teaching Strategy has the overarching aims of developing more inclusive curricula that enhance the opportunities for students to have work-related and inter-disciplinary learning opportunities as part of their degree programmes. Central to our work is finding the space for the creation of a ‘Curriculum for Life’ that that encourages, facilitates and rewards learning from the wider curriculum. As part of this curriculum for life, we see real opportunity to engage students in authentic, interdisciplinary projects that prepare them for life beyond their degree, alongside courses and learning that engage students in real-world issues, engaging with local and national communities, addressing global challenges and gaining skills and experience that set them up for success. We welcome submissions that showcase the value of interdisciplinarity, authentic learning opportunities and experiential learning as well as other related areas.
Evolving Teaching Practice
The purpose of the Evolving Teaching Practice Workstream (ETP) is to create a shared understanding and approach to developing and supporting active learning across the University. ETP has three main working groups: ‘Horizon Scanning’ aims to scan and regularly report on identified technological trends and potential changes that are likely to impact L&T in HE. ‘Hybrid L&T’ explores and reviews hybrid teaching models currently in use in the UK and internationally and considers the feasibility and suitability of hybrid technologies and the associated infrastructure requirements for UofG. ‘Implementing & Evaluating ETP’ captures historical and ongoing active learning approaches (including blended learning) with the aim to evaluate the impact of active learning and the identification of effective approaches to student and staff support that further the adoption of active learning. We welcome submissions that align with these areas, or any other relevant topic related to active learning & teaching practice.
Student Skills and Professional Development
This pillar of the University’s Learning and Teaching Strategy has three objectives, and we invite submissions that align with these objectives. The first is ‘embedding skills’, for example, sharing good practice in promoting student skill development within academic programmes. The second is ‘Skills as an add-on’, for example delivering micro credentials. The third and final objective is ‘Tools to support students’, for example developing ways for students to record, evidence and reflect on their skills development. We welcome submissions that align with one or more of these objectives.