Wi-Fi in Residences

Introducing Glide

From mid-July 2024 we are moving internet provider in our residences* to Glide, the UKs largest student Internet Service Provider. You will be emailed with the dates when the upgrade is taking place.

Once the transition has been completed please follow our Glide-Quick Start Guide to get connected or download the pdf guide Glide-Quick Start Guide

Need help with Glide?

Telephone: 0333 123 0115

Email: studentsupport@glide.co.uk

*Kelvin CourtThurso Street, Blackfriars, Havannah House, Dobbie's Point and Firhill Court use alternative Internet Service Providers so please refer to your site handbook for connection instructions or speak to the site reception team for more information.

Optify Internet Service

Until mid-August 2024 internet will be provided in most residences by Optify.

To get connected simply click the ‘Optify’ WiFi network and register your details to get online. See our UofGLiving Optify guide for more details.

Need help with Optify?