Fantasy Writing in the Hunterian Museum
Are you aged 12–16 and love a bit of fantasy? Join us for a free writing workshop in the Hunterian Museum and write your own fantasy story about one of the many fantastic objects in The Hunterian collections!
Date: Friday 18 October 2024
Time: 14:00 - 16:30
Venue: Hunterian Museum
Category: Hunterian
Harry Potter’s Wand, The One Ring, Lyra’s alethiometer…what role do objects play in fantasy worlds? Museums are full of peculiar items which can inspire made-up worlds just as much as they can teach us about real life.
Are you aged 12–16 and love a bit of fantasy? Join us for a free writing workshop and write your own fantasy story about one of The Hunterian’s many fantastic objects.
You will be helped to develop your ideas, and will hear from Hunterian Curators about the origins of the objects. They might even admit that sometimes they just don’t know - that’s why your imagination can roam free!
Writing materials provided. Refreshments will be provided for participants and accompanying adults during the session.