Mackintosh House Virtual Tour

Take a virtual tour of the Glasgow home of Scottish architect, artist and designer Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868-1928) and his wife, the artist Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh (1864-1933).

Enter the virtual tour below and explore the Mackintosh House at your own pace. Click on the hot spots to read historical information about key objects. 


The Mackintosh House forms an integral part of the Hunterian Art Gallery on the University of Glasgow campus. It is a meticulous reassemblage of the principal interiors from 78 Southpark Avenue (originally 6 Florentine Terrace), where Charles Rennie Mackintosh lived with his wife, Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh, from 1906 to 1914. Furnished with the Mackintoshes’ own furniture, all to Mackintosh’s design, and decorated as closely as possible to the original, these beautiful rooms provide rare insight into the Mackintoshes’ home life.