The Memorial Gates
The Memorial Gates
The Memorial Gates were presented to the University in 1952 to honour 29 outstanding individuals from our first 500 years.
The gates were designed by architect A.G.Henderson and bear the Latin inscription Almae Matri Alumni Pietatis Causa, indicating that the Gates are a symbol of Alumni devotion.
In recognition of their status as outstanding University figures the gates feature names of notable graduates such as;
- Adam Smith ('The Father of Economics'. Economist and philosopher who was a pioneer of political economy and key figure during the Scottish Enlightenment.)
- Lord Kelvin (Scottish engineer, mathematician, and physicist who profoundly influenced the scientific thought of his generation. Namesake of the Kelvin-scale for temperature)
- Isabella Elder (Philanthropist and advocator for women’s education particularly medicine and nursing throughout the 19th century)
- Joseph Lister (sterilisation and enhanced understanding of bacteriology and infection)
- James Watt (enhancing steam power, paving the way for the Industrial Revolution).
The names of Donald Dewar (Scotland's 1st First Minister) and John Smith were added to the gates during the events to mark the University's 550th year
You will notice that there is still some available space for notable future World Changers...
Behind the gates, in the ground floor of our main building, underneath The Huntarian Museum, is the University Gift Shop. It is the perfect place to visit on campus for unique University of Glasgow merchandise, including our official tartan collection and a range of clothing and jewelery. It also stocks an electic mix of gifts, books, stationery and University clothing. Find out more about the University Gift Shop