Together against racism


Our video introducing the 'Together Against Racism' campaign. Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, Rachel Sandison and Uzma Khan explain why we all need to play our part in it. 

Support our campaign: download learning resources, share our campaign messages

Share the campaign (UofG login needed)

Download 'Together Against Racism' resources and help us spread the message, including:

  • email footers 
  • social media headers
  • posters
  • videos
  • GIFs and MP4 assets

Recognising and reporting racism

Understanding microaggressions

Learning resources: Play your part

Learning resources from external sources

You may feel this is a challenging topic, and therefore want to look at training and development resources.

Here are some external resources we recommend:

  1. Race Equality Matters - Race Equality Week 2025 (5-Day Challenge)
  2. John Amaechi - Not-racist vs anti-racist: what’s the difference?
  3. John Amaechi – What is white privilege?
  4. John Lewis It’s Not OK Video – Microaggressions John Lewis Partnership - It's Not OK - Subtitled - YouTube
  5. Do the work: an anti-racist reading list by The Guardian 
  6. Race Forward Youtube Channel
  7. Let’s get to the root of racial injustice | Megan Ming Francis by Tedx Talks
  8. Understanding Implicit Bias by The Kirwani Institute 
  9. Ten Lessons for Taking Leadership on Racial Equality by The Aspen Institute
  10. How microaggressions are like mosquito bites. A video created by Fusion Comedy.
  11. OpenLearn: Introducing Black Leadership
  12. Santander Open Academy: Union Black Course

Learning resources from the HE sector


The University of Glasgow is committed to race equality and ensuring all students, staff and visitors have a positive experience of the learning, teaching, research and work environment.

UofG Global Majority Staff Network

The UofG Global Majority Network is for all University of Glasgow staff who identify as Black, Asian or as a Minority Ethnic.

The network came together in early 2022, with the aim to provide a welcoming environment where members can:

  • Meet regularly to network and organise social events
  • Support one another within the University by providing a space for discussing issues which affect them.
  • Inform University management with respect to issues which affect them.
  • Distribute information about relevant events within and outwith the University.

Student Societies

  • There is a vast array of societies at the University which are affiliated with the Students' Representative Council (SRC) Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic student can look through the EDU’s online resources to see where there is support.
  • We have an emerging Decolonising the Curriculum Community of Practice, please contact the Equality and Diversity Unit if you would like to join.

The background to 'Together against racism'