Our COP26 events

Writing a Staff Student Partnership Scheme (SSPS) Application

Writing a Staff Student Partnership Scheme (SSPS) Application

Academic and Digital Development
Date: Tuesday 21 January 2025
Time: 12:00 - 13:00
Venue: Online
Category: Staff workshops and seminars
Speaker: Dr Sarah Honeychurch
Website: uofglasgow.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwsdOCqrDMuHdWhIGNcXuWj0Cfc5_bbylIL

The Learning and Teaching Development Fund (LTDF) supports developments in the practice of learning and teaching that will make significant contributions to the enhancement of learning and teaching across the University and to the delivery of the objectives of the Learning and Teaching Strategy. This call for bids is specifically targeted at partnership work between students and members of academic staff.  

In this session we will look at what makes a good SSPS application by looking at the current call for bids in detail. Staff involved in previous SSPS projects will join the session to answer questions and contribute to a ‘warts and all’ discussion of the processes involved in applying for, and successfully running, a project. By the end of this session attendees should be in a position to write their own application for the next round of funding.    

This session is open to staff of the University of Glasgow. For the avoidance of doubt as to eligibility, please register using your staff email address. 

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