Our COP26 events

Freedom Dreams in France: Notes on State Violence in France, Colonial Continuities, and Global Racism and Antiracism

Freedom Dreams in France: Notes on State Violence in France, Colonial Continuities, and Global Racism and Antiracism

Sociology; College of Social Sciences Hub
Date: Tuesday 26 November 2024
Time: 16:00 - 17:30
Venue: Online
Category: Public lectures, Academic events, Student events, Staff workshops and seminars
Speaker: Dr Jean Beaman
Website: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/freedom-dreams-in-france-notes-on-state-violence-in-france-tickets-948293420147

In this lecture, based on years of ethnographic research on France’s present antiracist movement and mobilization against state violence, Dr Jean Beaman discusses how visible minorities, namely Black and Arab populations, make sense of the racism they experience at the hands of the state, including through violence by the police and how they resist this racism and violence. In doing so, Dr Beaman explores the balance they draw between acknowledging and resisting racism here, as in France, as well as there, as in globally. Dr Beaman discusses what lessons they offer regarding resisting colonial continuities and imagining a world beyond state violence and subjugation.

This lecture will take place online. Please register to attend, and a joining link will be sent to you on the day of the event.

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