Our COP26 events

Wrongs Not Righted: How Might We Think about Repair?

Wrongs Not Righted: How Might We Think about Repair?

Sociology; College of Social Sciences Hub
Date: Wednesday 25 September 2024
Time: 12:00 - 13:30
Venue: Online
Category: Public lectures, Academic events, Student events, Staff workshops and seminars
Speaker: Professor Catherine Hall
Website: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wrongs-not-righted-how-might-we-think-about-repair-tickets-948272296967

From slavery and the 1831 rebellion to the events at Morant Bay in 1865 and the Windrush scandal multiple wrongs have been done. They have not been put right. The British state, institutions and individual Britons are all implicated. Britain’s entangled past with Jamaica is not done, it lives on in the present. There is a debt to be paid. How might we think about the question of reparation and repair? Who carries responsibility? What might that mean?

This lecture will take place online. Please register to attend, and a joining link will be sent to you on the day of the event.

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