University of Glasgow receives Erasmus Mundus award

The University of Glasgow has received an Erasmus Mundus 20th Anniversary Institutional Award as one of the top performers in Erasmus Mundus.

The University was one of only 10 European universities to be presented with the award, for our outstanding contribution to the success of the Erasmus Mundus programme.

The award recognises the incredible effort of colleagues from across the University, alongside our partners, in developing outstanding Erasmus Mundus Joint Programmes.

Professor Clare McManus, Head of Central & East European Studies, represented the University at the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) Erasmus Mundus 20th Anniversary conference in Brussels in May, at which the award was presented.

Two attendees of the Erasmus Mundus 20th Anniversary Conference cutting a cake with sparklers and a '20' cake ornament on it

This celebratory event was a unique opportunity to discuss and reflect on the impact and future of Erasmus Mundus (EM) in dialogue with alumni, higher education institutions and policymakers from Europe and beyond.

Reflecting on the Erasmus Mundus 20-year span, Clare who helped establish the first ever EM programme at Glasgow over 15 years ago, shares: "In its two-decade span, Erasmus Mundus has established a recognisable brand, becoming a key tool in public diplomacy.

"It is referenced in national legislation, known across European HEIs, and popular among thousands of excellent students worldwide, making the Erasmus Mundus Catalogue one of the most visited pages on the European Commission website."

Currently the University of Glasgow leads 10 Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) programmes involving 40-degree awarding partners across the globe. All but one are in the College of Social Sciences. These EMJMs produce curricula that would be impossible for any single university to deliver and offer a unique international study experience.

Our involvement continues to grow with the addition of Erasmus Mundus Design Measures involving the Colleges of Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities and Science & Engineering. We have had three successful Erasmus Mundus Design Measure applications:

  • Knowledge and Society (KnowSoc)
  • Climate and Energy (TransClim)
  • Computational Microscopy and Applications

Many colleagues have contributed to the success of the programme but special recognition is given to Glasgow’s College of Social Sciences’ Angela Melley (now retired) and Toni O'Neill whose advice and assistance with numerous Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) and Erasmus Mundus Design Measure (EMDM) applications has majorly contributed to our successful engagement with the EM programme.

First published July 2024