Earth viewed from space with an overlay of the words 'The Blantyre-Blantyre partnership' and the University of Glasgow logo next to the Kamuzu University of Health Sciences logo

Introducing the partnership

Spotlight on Blantyre-Blantyre

Equitable partnerships

"Listening, respect and openness" - Prof Paul Garside provides tips on building equitable partnerships.

Partnerships in practice

Prof Iain McInnes on learning lessons from local partnerships to create global partnerships with purpose. 

Clusters of excellence

Dr Mwapatsa Mipando and Prof Paul Garside on influencing the Africa/Europe Clusters of Excellence and the European Commission.

Why Blantyre-Blantyre

Prof Andy Waters outlines the similarities in health deprivations between Blantyre, Malawi and Blantyre, Scotland.

Researchers of the future

Alex Mackay on working with the Beit Trust to fund study opportunities for early career researchers.

The laboratory

Prof Iain McInnes on the impact of the state-of-the-art research facility the partnership has created in Malawi.

Powered by the sun

Alex Mackay on the impact of running the lab on solar power, made possible by Glasgow world-changer Eunice Ntobedzi.

Powerhouse of the future

Prof Paul Garside on the reasons why it's important Glasgow partners with African institutions.