McGill University, Canada

McGill University in Montreal Canada offers degrees and diplomas in over 300 fields of study, with the highest average admission grade of any Canadian university.

Of Montreal’s 3.6 million residents, nearly 800,000 were born outside of Canada. Some 220,000 are students at universities or other professional post-secondary programs, making Montreal one of the world’s most student-friendly cities. 

Priority partner

Historic links stretching back more than two-and-a-half centuries between the Universities of Glasgow and McGill were cemented in a Memorandum of Agreement signed in 2015. The priority partnership aims to increase capacity for collaborating in teaching and research to benefit staff and students from both institutions. A jointly-developed Early Career Mobility Scheme (funded PhD/postdoc/early career exchange scheme) was introduced to promote mobility and resource sharing between Glasgow and McGill. The Glasgow lead is the Dean for Global Engagement for the Americas. Glasgow staff can also apply to the International Partnership Development Fund.

Mobility partner

>> Information for incoming students

Estimated number of mobility places: 

  • University-wide: 1-3 full-year or 2-6 semester places
  • Business and Management (outgoing) also have extra 1-3 full-year or 2-6 semester places available for B&M (single honours) and B&M/Econ (joint honours)
  • Suitable for Economics and Business (joint honours).

Available Subject Areas

Please ensure that you research the courses available to you as an exchange student, and check with your subject coordinator(s) that these courses are suitable for your Glasgow degree programme. Please note that partner course offerings may change on a yearly basis.

Please research course level; content and assessment structures; partner academic pre-requisites for exchange students; whether enough courses / credits are available in your degree subject(s) to meet your Glasgow degree credit requirements; language of teaching and for Joint Honours students, whether the partner has any restrictions on taking courses from different Schools/Faculties.

  • Accounting & Finance
  • Aerospace Engineering/Sciences
  • Archaeology
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Business & Management
  • Central & East European Studies
  • Civil Engineering
  • Classics
  • Comparative Literature
  • Computing Science
  • Digital Media & Information Studies
  • Earth Science and Geology
  • Economic & Social History
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Electronics/Electrical Engineering
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Film & TV
  • Geography
  • History
  • History of Art
  • Life Sciences
  • Maths
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Politics and International Relations
  • Psychology
  • Scottish Literature
  • Sociology
  • Statistics
  • Theatre Studies
  • Theology & Religious Studies
  • Urban Studies/Public & Social Policy

Key facts McGill

Travel and costs

Useful weblinks