Equality in Housing: LGBTQ+ Homelessness

Published: 9 July 2024

Event recording

Equality in Housing is a collaborative podcast between CaCHE and Housing Options Scotland. The podcast hears stories from those working in housing, or housing related services, from people who have experienced barriers accessing housing of their choice and those doing research in under-investigated areas to really show the important role that accessible, inclusive housing can play in people's lives and to help inspire others who want to make a change for more positive housing futures for all.

In this episode, we speak to Edith England (Cardiff Met University) and Neil Turnbull (Cardiff University) about LGBTQ+ housing and homeless. Edith and Neil talk us through their latest research project, which included an extensive survey of over 1000 young LGBTQ+ people about their housing situations. We talk about the policy and legislative landscape and explore what is needed to make the system fair.






First published: 9 July 2024