Glasgow Changing Futures harnesses the research strengths, creativity, collaborative spirit, and dedication of University of Glasgow staff, students, and partners to address the biggest global challenges of our time.

Healthy & Equitable Futures

Sustainable Futures
Glasgow murals - thank you
The striking artwork used throughout the Glasgow Changing Futures website has been created by three talented Glasgow-based artists - Bobby McNamara (Rogue One), Sam Bates (Smug), and Frank Carty (Artisan Artworks). The artwork is used with their kind permission.
Additional approval has been received with thanks from Albright Omoregie, Amma Birth Companions, Govan Housing Association and Glasgow City Council.
Introducing Glasgow Changing Futures
Fri, 08 Dec 2023 15:29:00 GMT
A message from Professor Chris Pearce, Vice Principal Research & Knowledge Exchange.
Discover more about our:
- Commitment to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
- Our world-changing research
- Innovation Strategy
Contact us
We would love to hear from you. You can get in touch with our team via email