About us

CI logo   CLEC logoNankai logo

Founded in 2011, the Confucius Institute at the University of Glasgow is an educational and cultural exchange partnership with Nankai University, receiving support from the Centre for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC).  

The Confucius Institute’s main aims are to promote Chinese language learning and cultural understanding for students, staff and the general public, by providing a range of activities as follows: 

Chinese language 

  • Chinese (Mandarin) Language classes from complete beginner to more advanced levels 
  • Individual tailored language tutoring on request, subject to availability 
  • Assisting with Chinese language proficiency test preparation, arrangements and invigilation 

Cultural events 

  • Organising cultural learning events based on key Chinese traditional festivals  
  • Support for local external art and cultural events - for example Chinese language cinema screenings, musical performances and photography exhibitions 

Support for schools 

  • Supporting Chinese language and cultural learning events in schools 
  • Professional development opportunities for teaching staff wishing to learn more about Chinese language and culture 

Promoting research-led understanding  

  • Supporting lectures and seminars on Chinese culture, society, economy, politics and arts within the University of Glasgow 

Promoting educational and business engagement with China 

  • Support for cultural educational exchange visits, student attendance at national and international language and business competitions 

This is in addition to the established research collaborations between the two universities, through the arts, social sciences, and business disciplines facilitated separately by the Scottish Centre for China Research in the University of Glasgow.