World Changing Giving

The University of Glasgow held its first-ever Giving Day on 5 and 6 October 2023.

In October, the University held its first-ever Giving Day, an event that raised essential funds for three key areas of the University and brought our global community together.

Giving Day is a 36-hour event, bringing together alumni, staff, students and friends across our entire global community to help celebrate the University while raising crucial funds. We reached out to our community, hosted social media takeovers, held pub quizzes, ran half-marathons and united to celebrate what a remarkable place Glasgow is, and what can be achieved when we work together.

Our goal was to raise £100,000 for three crucial areas: student support, student experience, and tackling health inequalities. Thanks to the monumental support and enthusiasm of our community, we smashed this target and closed the day with over £122,000 from an incredible 544 donors, spread across 38 different countries.

As well as raising much-needed funds, Giving Day offers a chance for our community to celebrate Glasgow and take a moment to reflect on how much the University means to us.

With a whole host of activities taking place on campus and online, there were plenty of Giving Day highlights. We hosted an ‘alumni vs staff vs students’ pub quiz, ran an on-campus scavenger hunt, and provided lunches for students to celebrate making new friends at university. There was also a photo challenge in the Quad, fitness classes, and so much more. We loved introducing our community to our Giving Day mascots, Cornelius and Lord Lyon, who cheered us on all day and were named in an online poll.

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