Our REF2021 submission is complete

Research at Kelvin Hall [Photo: Andrew Lee]
Photo: Andrew Lee

UofG has recently completed its submission to the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF2021).

The REF is the system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions and is hugely important to the University in terms of both funding and international reputation. 

The REF is a process of expert review, carried out by expert panels for each of the 34 subject-based units of assessment (UOAs), under the guidance of four main panels. Expert panels are made up of senior academics, international members and research users.  

For each submission, three distinct elements are assessed: the quality of outputs (eg publications, performances, and exhibitions), their impact beyond academia and the environment that supports research.  

Over 400 colleagues have been involved in pulling together the submission, working across colleges and involving almost every professional service. We have submitted 28 UOAs, comprising 1,445 staff, 118 impact case studies, 28 unit-level environment statements and 3,300 outputs. 
The results of REF2021 will be published in Spring 2022.