Smith as educator
How does Smith educate people to live virtuous lives in a modern commercial society?
Adam Smith knew that we must integrate thinking around morality and markets to reconcile virtue and commerce. His account of how our moral beliefs develop and change over time is one of the earliest and most sophisticated versions of cultural evolution.
Smith's moral philosophy and his teaching at Glasgow were directed at shaping the character of his students and readers to possess the virtues needed to live successful and happy lives in a commercial society.
Learning opportunities

Age and Ideas of Adam Smith
Students from across the world attended the University of Glasgow's first Adam Smith international summer school to spend two weeks immersing themselves in Adam Smith’s impressive body of work.

Global Reading Group
Hundreds of people joined the global online reading group to read, discuss and reflect on The Wealth of Nations with support from experts at the University of Glasgow.

Rethinking Adam Smith
This competition challenged students to redesign the front cover of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations or The Theory of Moral Sentiments.

Adam Smith: Scholar, Educator, and Citizen
This exhibition, created by University of Glasgow's Archives and Special Collections, examines Smith's life, works and lasting influence in Glasgow and beyond.
Conversations: Articles, podcasts and events

Adam Smith and Cultural Memory
Mon, 06 Mar 2023 23:39:00 GMT
How and why do we remember Adam Smith, and what meaning does this memory hold?