Project Real: Can you recognise fake news?

Fake news spreads 6 times quicker than the truth and is believed 75% of the time. Knowing this, we developed ‘Project Real’ in collaboration with young people, influencers and teachers. In the main project, we developed materials to help young people develop their skills in recognising fake news. In this session, Dr Yvonne Skipper will show you some examples of these, including news, photos and videos and see if you can recognise which are real and which are fake. This activity is aimed at families with children aged 8-13.

Video 1: Dr Skipper introduces Project Real and the SHARE guidelines. Guess whether each story or photo is real or fake? Why you think that?

Video 2: Dr Skipper show examples of real and fake videos and again asks you to decide which are real and fake. She will then discuss important questions about fake news

Project Real

Fake News Part 1, Dr Skipper, School of Education, University of Glasgow

Fake News Part 2

Fake News Part 2, Dr Skipper, School of Education, University of Glasgow