Spot a Bee

There has been a marked decline in bee numbers in rural landscape due to e.g. habitat loss, climate chance and pesticide use. Our suburban spaces such as parks and gardens are stocked with plants and flowers. Could these spaces provide oases for our bees?

Spot a Bee citizen science project invites you to help scientists understand which plants bees are reliant upon in towns, cities, and villages across the UK. If you spot a bee, take a photo of the plants they are buzzing around then share it via the app or website. 

1. Watch a short video below from Dr Ria Dunkley. Introducing the project, the app & resources available on the website

2. Share results on the Spot a Bee website or download the app 

3. Download the Spot-a-Bee family activity book below. Packed full of fun bee and plant related activities to try in your garden and local area. Writing, drawing, making things and getting out and about for a walk!

Spot a Bee was co-created by Dr Ria Dunkley, School of Education at the University of Glasgow in partnership with the School of Pharmacy, Cardiff University. Ria's research focuses upon the many ways in which individuals and communities are meeting climate change and ecological crisis in their everyday lives. 


Spot a Bee Intro video

From project co-creator Dr Ria Dunkley, University of Glasgow