BSL Tour
Date: Sunday 02 February 2025
Time: 11:00 - 12:30
Venue: Hunterian Art Gallery
Category: Hunterian

Deaf art enthusiast Trudi Collier returns to The Hunterian to present her British Sign Language tour of the Hunterian Art Gallery, updated with recently added works.

This tour has been developed by Trudi and she delivers it in BSL for BSL users. Visitors should note that there is no simultaneous English translation of the tour.

The tour includes works by Chardin, Rembrandt, Rubens, the Glasgow Boys, and Scottish Colourists, as well as leading 20th-century artists, such as Joan Eardley. It features artworks made by women and other artists who have been less well-represented. NEW since last tour – Trudi will also discuss recently added works by Alison Watt and Duncan Shanks.

Looking from new perspectives, the displays ask questions such as: How do art and history influence each other? What can one picture tell us? What counts as art? How are artworks made?

Ticket price: £6.00 for adults and FREE for under 18s. 

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