Centre for Fantasy and the Fantastic
Date: Thursday 03 April 2025
Time: 09:00 - 18:00
Venue: ARC
Category: Conferences, Academic events
Speaker: Keynote Speaker: Frances Hardinge

Fantasy literature for younger readers continues to be a booming arm of the book industry, both in the UK and internationally, with successful children’s fantasy novels and series crossing into film and TV and morphing into multimodal franchises. But to what extent do the ways in which children’s and YA fantasies are read and theorized by the academy chime with the ways these genres are commissioned, produced and marketed by the industry? How are trends set and critiqued, how do industry demands drive creativity, what are the roles of readers, and how is the process of book-producing represented fictionally?  

This conference invites answers to all of these questions (and more!) by inviting contributions from academics, publishers, agents, editors, and authors. It explores the fruitful intersections between critical and theoretical knowledge, on the one hand, and practice-based, professional knowledge on the other, seeking to enrich our understanding of the imaginative materials that reach the hands of young readers.  

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