Friday Focus - The Hunterian Poems: Hunter's Voices

Friday Focus - The Hunterian Poems: Hunter's Voices

Date: Friday 27 September 2024
Time: 13:00 - 13:30
Venue: Online
Category: Public lectures, Hunterian
Speaker: Alan Riach, Gerrie Fellows and Stewart Sanderson

Join poets Alan Riach, Gerrie Fellows and Stewart Sanderson for an online reading of selected works from the third volume in The Hunterian Poems series: Hunter’s Voices.

This latest edition features new writing from some of Scotland's leading poets, and presents a multi-faceted enquiry into The Hunterian Collection as a whole – what it is, where it came from, what its value is, who pays the price, how it helps, what it means, and what its future might be.

Gerrie Fellows has published seven collections of poetry including Uncommon Place, poems about Scotland and the nature of place. After contributing to earlier Hunterian anthologies, she became preoccupied with exploring the museum’s collection; these poems were published as Shadow Box (Shearsman, 2023). A New Zealander by birth, Gerrie has lived in Scotland since the early ’80s.

Alan Riach (b.1957), poet and Professor of Scottish Literature at the University of Glasgow. Poetry books include The MacDiarmid Memorandum (2023), The Winter Book (2017) and Homecoming (2009). The Times Literary Supplement named Arts of Resistance (2008) ‘a landmark book’. The Times described his critical overview Scottish Literature: An Introduction (2022) as ‘magisterial’.

Stewart Sanderson is an award-winning poet based in Glasgow. His two pamphlets – Fios (2015) and An Offering (2018) – were both published by Tapsalteerie, as was his first full-length collection, The Sleep Road (2021). He is currently working on a new book of poems, whose themes include the redemptive possibilities of chance procedures, the weather and the parallels between archaeology and writing.

The Friday Focus talk programme features a different speaker each week, sharing a deeper insight into our exhibitions and collections, and work going on behind the scenes at The Hunterian. We hold the talks every Friday at 1pm online over Zoom. Talks are approximately 20 minutes long with time for questions afterwards.

Find out more about upcoming Friday Focus talks.

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