MVLS Clinical Research Open Day

MVLS Clinical Research Open Day

Date: Monday 30 September 2024
Time: 09:30 - 15:30
Venue: Seminar Suite, Advanced Research Centre, University of Glasgow
Category: Open days and visits

The purpose of this event is to showcase the wide range of research opportunities across the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences within the University of Glasgow. Representatives of all eight Schools in the College will join the event. We are also excited to see presentations of ongoing research projects, exemplars of clinical academic careers and plenty of opportunities to discuss and exchange thoughts with representatives of the Deanery.

Importantly, we wish to bring trainees at different stages together. As such we particularly welcome Specialised Foundation Programme Trainees to join us on the day to facilitate exchange with other trainees and to learn about our integrated academic training programme. We also welcome MBChB students who intercalated in 2023/24, and encourage colleagues to bring a poster to share their BSc (Med Sci) work.

Morning coffee and lunch will be provided, and there will be prizes for the best poster(s) on the day! 
An outline agenda can be found here (UofG access only) and below. 

Register here to secure your place.

09:30-10:00 Coffee and poster mounting/viewing - Studio 2 

10:00-10:10 Welcome  

10:10-10:30 Overview of research strategies 

Professor Gerry Graham, Dean of Research, MVLS 

10:30-10:45 Overview of clinical academic training 

Professor Christian Delles, Chair of CATAC 

10:45-11:30 Introduction to the Schools in MVLS 

Short talks from representatives of each School 

11:30-11:45 Invited talk – early career research 

11:45-12:00 Invited talk – early career research 

12:00-13:00 Lunch and poster viewing – Studio 2 

13:00-13:10 MVLS Graduate School 

13:10-13:20  The Intercalated BSc (Med Sci) Programme in Glasgow 

13:20-13:30 The Specialised Foundation Programme in Glasgow 

13:30-13:40 The Glasgow Academic Training Environment (GATE) 

13:40-13:50 Clinical Lectureships 

13:50-14:05 My Journey – reflections from mid-career researchers 

14:05-14:30 Open discussion 

Representatives from MVLS College Services, CATAC, the Deanery 

14:30-14:45 Invited talk – early career research 

14:40-15:00 My Journey – reflections from mid-career researchers 

15:00 Concluding remarks and prize giving 

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