SGSAH Discipline+Catalyst for Cultural and Museum Studies
Date: Thursday 18 April 2024 - Friday 19 April 2024
Venue: Online
Category: Academic events, Student events

This online workshop consists of two half-days on digital approaches to collection-based research, engagement, and teaching. Day one includes presentations from cultural heritage organisations and researchers, highlighting data exploration opportunities for PhD research, and a spotlight on digital projects within the SGSAH network. Day two features mini tutorials, introducing digital research skills from recent PhD projects, related to social media, immersive technologies and data visualisations.

This event is brought to you by SGSAH Discipline+ Catalyst for Cultural and Museum Studies. If you are a PGR student, please use your HEI email address when registering.


18 April: Talking about Collections

  • 13:00 -14:00 “Digital Scholarship at the National Library of Scotland – Data, Projects, Opportunities” (Sarah Ames, National Library of Scotland)
  • 14:00 -15:00 "Digital Library Collections: Access and Reuse in a Changing Research Landscape" (Paul Gooding, U of Glasgow & Joe Nockels, U of Edinburgh)
  • 15:00 -16:00 “A ‘digital shift’ in collections-based learning and teaching?” (Robert MacLean & Yunhyong Kim, U of Glasgow)

19 April: Working with Collections: hands-on tutorial

  • 10:00 - 11:00 “Expanding the textual canon: python, pandas and the bigger picture" (Zoe Bartliff, U of Glasgow)
  • 11:00 - 12:00 "What do you meme? Networked memes as a means of critical engagement with cultural heritage and society" (Cassandra Kist, U of Strathclyde)
  • 12:00 - 13:00 "Digital Cultural Heritage: Immersive Technologies for Research and Practice" (Lynn Verschuren, U of Glasgow)


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