Music in the University
Date: Thursday 05 October 2023
Time: 13:10 - 14:00
Venue: University Concert Hall
Category: Concerts and music, Public lectures, Social events, Academic events, Student events, Alumni events, Open days and visits, Staff workshops and seminars

Shahriyar Jamshidi - Kamānche


Shahriyar Jamshidi reverberates the sounds of mountains in his musical journey “Pomegranate Seeds”.


A Kurdish-Canadian kamānche player, composer, and vocalist Shahriyar Jamshidi with a pronounced cultural background has devoted his artistic profession to the preservation and transmission of the Kurdish musical heritage. He is also well-known for his creative and masterful kamānche improvisations, both as a soloist and in ensembles. Since settling in Canada in 2012, Shahriyar has consistently sought new musical languages, thereby crossing cultures with his Kamānche recitals. He already performed at the University of Minneapolis School of Music; Amsterdam Cello Biennial; Festival du Monde Arabe de Montréal; Canadian Opera Company, and Windsor Symphony Orchestra. Shahriyar’s recently released album “My Sunset-Land ROJAVA” is dedicated to all WOMEN who joined the story of resistance fighters to defend Rojava (northern Kurdistan in Syria) and lost their lives there. Shahriyar has received several Canadian and international awards including International Society for Music Education ISME award in 2018.

Our Thursday Professional Lunchtime Series is held in the University Concert Hall which is situated in the Main Building (Gilbert Scott), just below the Hunterian Museum.
You can access the Concert Hall through three different doors:
-West Quad through the door to the toilets and Hunterian lift
-East Quad entering through the Hunterian Staircase door
-East Quad entering through the external corridor to Hunter Halls
Here is a MAP 

We currently have no requirement for pre-booking your FREE ticket! Just turn up at 12.45pm to ensure your seat. Once the Concert Hall is full to capacity, we will be closing doors. Please note the capacity of the Concert Hall is 128 people. Latecomers will not be admitted.

Sounds amazing but can't make it in person? If you want to watch this concert online via our live-stream format, please sign up to receive a private livestream link: LIVESTREAM

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