Adam Smith Lecture in Jurisprudence: “Solidarity against Freedom?”

Adam Smith Lecture in Jurisprudence: “Solidarity against Freedom?”

Date: Thursday 01 June 2023
Time: 16:00 - 17:30
Venue: Humanity Lecture Theatre, Gilmorehill Building
Category: Public lectures
Speaker: Philippe Van Parijs

The Glasgow Legal Theory Group is delighted to invite you to the 2023 UofG School of Law Adam Smith Jurisprudence Lecture:

“Solidarity against Freedom?”

By our guest speaker Philippe Van Parijs

Adam Smith famously gave his lectures in Jurisprudence at the University of Glasgow in 1762, where he held the Chair of Moral Philosophy. In those lectures he identified Jurisprudence as ‘the theory of the rules by which civil governments ought to be directed’, or ‘the theory of the general principles of law and government’, which, for Smith, requires that we attend not merely to matters of the definition or application of law, but also of how these relate to politics and the practice of governing.

The Adam Smith Lecture in Jurisprudence seeks to make productive in a contemporary context the distinctive approach of the Scottish Enlightenment to legal philosophy. The Lecture invites some of the world’s most distinguished legal and political philosophers whose ideas have reached out beyond narrow disciplinary boundaries, to shape innovative thinking on key philosophical, political and social aspects of law and government.

We are honoured to have Philippe Van Parijs to talk about the clash between freedom and equality. "There is clash between freedom and equality is illusory: justice can be viewed as requiring the equalization of (real) freedom. The clash between freedom and fraternity or with its modern version, solidarity, seems more serious — typically but very far from only when discussing the legitimacy of a lockdown. Reconciling the centrality of freedom with the great importance many of us attach to solidarity — in our sentiments, our engagements and our institutions — is not self-evident. Is it possible?"

Philippe Van Parijs studied philosophy, law, political economy, sociology, and linguistics at St Louis University (Brussels) and at the Universities of Louvain, Oxford, Bielefeld and California (Berkeley). He holds doctorates in the social sciences (Louvain, 1977) and in philosophy (Oxford, 1980). He is a Fellow of the British Academy and a member of Belgium's Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts and of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences. He holds an honorary doctorate from Laval University (Québec). In 2001, he was awarded the Francqui Prize, Belgium's most generous scientific prize, and in 2011 the Arkprijs voor het Vrije Woord , an annual prize meant to honour public personalities who illustrate the freedom to speak out. Detailed overview of Philippe's research

This year, we are delighted to be part of a week of Adam Smith 300 Year Anniversary celebrations, hosted by the University of Glasgow. For more details on related events, please visit Adam Smith 300 Year Anniversary.

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