Power Hour with Claire Hanna MP

Power Hour with Claire Hanna MP

John Smith Centre & Social Sciences Hub, International Women's Day
Date: Tuesday 07 March 2023
Time: 19:00 - 20:00
Venue: Webinar
Category: Public lectures, Student events, Alumni events
Speaker: Claire Hanna MP and Kezia Dugdale
Website: uofglasgow.zoom.us/webinar/register/4216709408264/WN_pmCCAjAgR52b437WdCrzeg

A second Northern Ireland Assembly election within 12 months looks increasingly likely with no sign of a resolution at Stormont. In May, Sinn Fein became the first nationalist party to win the most seats in the Assembly, entitling the party’s vice-president Michelle O’Neill to take the first minster position. The Democratic Unionist Party came second but refused to nominate a deputy first minister. Without both roles at the head of Northern Ireland’s Executive being filled, the governing body cannot function. As the latest deadline to restore the power-sharing executive is missed, what next? How can this crisis be resolved? What does it take win a Westminster seat?

We’ll discuss these questions and more with the SDLP MP for South Belfast, Claire Hanna, as part of our Women in Public Life Power Hour series.

Claire was elected in December 2019 and serves as a member on the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee and is the SDLP’s spokesperson for Europe and International Affairs.

Chaired by Kezia Dugdale, there will be plenty of time for audience Q&A.

The John Smith Centre exists to make the positive case for politics and public service.

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