Let Glasgow Flourish? Recognising our history to improve our future
Dr Stephen Mullen to deliver a lecture on his Glasgow City Council report, the research and the findings. The lecture will be followed by a round table discussion with Cllr Graham Campbell, Jude Barber (Architecture Collective) and Prof. Simon Anderson (University of the West Indies).
Black History Month
Date: Friday 28 October 2022
Time: 17:30 - 19:30
Venue: James McCune Learning Hub - Lecture Theatre 745
Category: Public lectures
Speaker: Dr Stephen Mullen & Panellists
In 2022, Glasgow City Council published a report Glasgow, Slavery and Atlantic Commerce: An Audit of Historic Connections and Modern Legacies, researched and written by Dr Stephen Mullen from the University of Glasgow.
Like the University’s own report in 2018, it was the first in depth research into the wealth gained by the city through its historical ties to the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade. The report comprehensively considered the city archives and the institutions of the time – Town Council and Lord Provost, the bequests and gifts given to the city by merchants and the impact on buildings, monuments and street names today.
On publishing the report, Council Leader Susan Aitken, stated a Slavery Legacy Working Group would start conversations on the report’s recommendations. As the University is a key civic institution in the city, we should play a part in these discussions. Therefore,as part of our Black History Month programme, we have invited Dr Stephen Mullen to deliver this lecture on his report, the research and the findings. The lecture will be followed by a round table discussion with Cllr Graham Campbell, Jude Barber (Architecture Collective) and Prof. Simon Anderson (University of the West Indies).
Refreshments will be available afterwards.
Tickets at event.bookitbee.com/42344/let-glasgow-flourish-recognising-our-history-to-im