How can we make our economy more resilient? Lessons from the Pandemic
This event is part of the Future Global Shocks series. Each event will consider what more we must do as a society to prepare our systems and networks, as well as policy and system relationships, to respond with resilience to the major global challenges we face: from economic crises and an aging population; to future health pandemics and protecting human rights.
Future Global Shocks, Social Sciences Hub
Date: Monday 05 December 2022
Time: 18:00 - 19:30
Venue: Advanced Research Centre, University of Glasgow
Category: Public lectures
Speaker: Prof Richard Davies, Jeane Freeman OBE, Prof Sir Anton Muscatelli, Prof Graeme Roy, Prof Michael Russell, Prof Linda Yueh
The COVID-19 pandemic led to the sharpest fall in economic activity in living memory. Policies to support the economy and business were made-up virtually overnight. In the end, many – such as the furlough scheme – proved remarkably successful. Others less so.
In partnership with the Campaign for Social Sciences our penultimate event will consider questions such as:
- How might we build resilience into our economic model to better cope with shocks? For example, is our model of reliance upon global supply chains etc. robust enough?
- As part of that economic fallout, the pandemic widened inequalities across all economies. How can the incomes of individuals and households be supported during such a shock?
- Are our social security systems flexible enough to be able to provide help for those temporarily deprived of work or those already unemployed?
With contributions from:
Professor Richard Davies, Bristol University and Director of the UK's Economics Observatory
Jeane Freeman OBE, former Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport in the Scottish Government
Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of Glasgow
Professor Graeme Roy, Dean of External Engagement, University of Glasgow
Professor Michael Russell, former Cabinet Secretary for Government Business and Constitutional Relations of Scotland in the Scottish Government
Professor Linda Yueh, Fellow in Economics, Oxford University and Adjunct Professor of Economics, London Business School