Leaving Fingerprints
Fingerprints are something that we all have in common. We hope you can join us for this interactive craft and storytelling workshop for the whole family.
ARCadia: family
Date: Saturday 24 September 2022
Time: 13:00 - 15:00
Venue: Studio 2, the ARC
Category: Social events
Fingerprints are something that we all have in common. We hope you can join us for this interactive craft and storytelling workshop for the whole family. Make your own fingerprint impression with clay and learn about the work happening at Glasgow to build communities that are welcoming to everyone, and creating a future that connects to the past. #RefugeesWelcome
Please note: sessions last 30mins and run on the hour and half-past the hour from 13:00 until 15:00.
Recommended age: all ages.
Booking: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/400242123967