Urban Design and Health Inequalities
What built environment features ‘on the ground’ within a city are linked to levels of inequality in life satisfaction? This exhibit is a short video describing how built environment features, including natural spaces, in cities are associated with improved health and reduced health inequality.
COP26 Universities Network Green Zone Showcase
Date: Friday 12 November 2021
Time: 10:00 - 11:30
Venue: COP26 Green Zone
Category: Exhibitions,
Speaker: Dr Jon Olsen and Gillian Bell, MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit / Institute for Health and Wellbeing
What built environment features ‘on the ground’ within a city are linked to levels of inequality in life satisfaction? This exhibit is a short video describing how built environment features, including natural spaces, in cities are associated with improved health and reduced health inequality. The video will highlight research conducted at the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit from a European-wide study of 63,554 people from 66 cities in 28 countries that found links between urban design and levels of inequality in life satisfaction. This is the first study to theorise and examine how the entire urban landscape may affect levels of and inequalities in wellbeing in a large international sample.