An Interfaith Service of Hope and Remembrance
An Interfaith Service of Hope and Remembrance: ‘Acknowledging the devastating effect of the pandemic over the past year and recognizing that we are not without real hope for the future’
Interfaith Chaplaincy
Date: Tuesday 20 April 2021
Time: 18:00 - 19:00
Venue: Online via Zoom
Category: Public lectures
Speaker: Glasgow University Interfaith Chaplains
Document: Chapel Spring-Summer 2021
All are welcome to join University Interfaith Chaplains sharing their hopes for the future and reflections on the devastating effect of the pandemic over the past year.
Srihari Vallabhajousula, Honorary Hindu Chaplain
Rev Linda Haggerstone, Honorary LGBTQ+ Chaplain
Ravinder Kaur Nijjar, Honorary Sikh Chaplain
Mandy Evans Ewing, Honorary Humanist Chaplain
Rev Liz Johnston Blyth, Honorary Assistant Church of Scotland Chaplain
Shoket Aksi, Honorary Muslim Chaplain
Rev Roger Sturrock, Honorary Church of Scotland Chaplain