Professor Jack Halberstam (Columbia University)
14 September 2022 (7.30pm, Advanced Research Centre, 11 Chapel Lane) 'Collapse, Demolition, and the Queer Geographies’ (co-hosted by the Glasgow Doors Open Open Days Festival). A recording of the talk is available via this link.
15 September 2022 (6pm, Charles Wilson Lecture Theatre, University of Glasgow, 3 Kelvin Way, Glasgow G12 8NN) 'Unworlding: An Aesthetics of Collapse'. Click here for a recording of the talk.
More information about the talks and speaker:
'Collapse, Demolition and the Queer Geographies'
How can concepts such as the human, subject, object or animal be tipped out of their hierarchical formations? How can they form new orders of meaning and relations to one another? The major philosophical traditions of the last century, presume a totality of things, a form of being that exists through the sorting of subjects from objects, objects from things and things from unseen forces. And while world” and “life” seem to offer vectors for utopian thinking (“another world is possible”), these totalizing concepts have also been predicated upon anti-Blackness and from the elevation of the human above all other forms of life. Rather than holding out for new worlds, revitalized notions of life, or remade utopian dreams, this lecture begins with the premise that world-making, as currently conceived, can only proceed by way of unworlding or world unmaking. The talk follows a series of aesthetic experiments from the 1970’s to the present that revel in collapse, destruction and ruination.