Urban Governance
Urban Governance
Recent years have seen a shift from ‘government’ as institution to more diffuse forms of ‘governance’ as process, with a litany of new terms describing current and emerging forms of governance - distributed governance, differentiated polity, overload, fragmentation, hollowing-out, congestion, and partnership. Debates have focused on the significance of territorial scale of formal government structures and on the challenges of multi-level governance – epitomised by debates about the ‘New Localism’ and the ‘New Regionalism’ - while many countries have experimented with new forms of urban leadership, representation and accountability, such as elected mayors, citizen juries and community planning in a myriad of forms.
This track seeks papers focusing on the following themes:
- Urban leadership and strategy
- Urban politics and participation
- City-wide and neighbourhood partnerships
- Metropolitan and multi-level governance
Contact: Dr Laurence Carmichael [Email: Laurence.Carmichael@uwe.ac.uk ]
Urban Governance
1. Abbas Ahmad Akhoundi: Examination of effects of Direct Election of Mayors in Improving Iran’s Urban Governance Indicators
2. Vincent Beal: From 'Local Environment' to 'Sustainable Urban Development': the Entrepreneurial Turn of the Management of a Public Issue
3. Juliet Carpenter: Fit for Purpose? Multi-Level Governance in the Thames Gateway
4. Tove Dannestam: Globalization from below Through Entrepreneurial Governance
5. Jonathan S Davies: Against ‘Partnership’: Toward a Local Challenge to Global Neoliberalism
6. Peter de Bois: (ii) "To Know the Path is to Rule the System": Case Study - New Town Almere (NL)
7. Rui Florentino: The Spatial Governance of the Lisbon’s Metropolitan Region
8. Chen Fujun: The Coordination Game Mechanism in Urban Governance
9. Robin Hambleton: The New City Management
10. Sandra Huning: Political Action in Urban Space: Public Spaces in the City as Frame and Stage for Political Action
11. Dubravka Jurlina Alibegovic: Successfulness of Urban Development and Management: Applicability of Governance Indicators
12. Koenraad Keignaert: Urban Governance for Innovative Practices: the Theoretical Case of Amsterdam and Antwerp
13. Sinéad Kelly: Urban Governance in Dublin: New ‘Departures’ in Housing Provision
14. Kristine Kern: The Europeanization of Cities in the EU Multi-level System
15. Jan Erling Klausen: Aggregative or Deliberative Urban Democracy?
16. Anita Kokx: Trial and Error in Urban Restructuring: Successes and Failures in Organisation, the Netherlands
17. Valeria Monno: Urban Planning as Architecturing Urban Diversity
18. Marco Santangelo: The Urban Dimension in Territorial Governance Processes
19. Anna Sobczak: The Impact of the Partnership Principle on the Mobilization Among Local Actors: a Comparative Analysis of Glasgow and Krakow
20. Helen Sullivan: (i) Community Leadership in the New Governance
21. Pawel Swianiewicz: (ii) Governing Polish Cities: Changes in Local Leaders Attitudes [Panel]