Resurgent European Cities
Resurgent European Cities
Cities are increasingly seen as engines of growth and national prosperity. They are believed to be sources of innovation, creativity and productivity growth in advanced service-oriented economies dependent on high value activities, international connectivity and firms competing and collaborating through face-to-face contact. Cities are also said to contain the social infrastructure, amenities and career choices to help countries attract population, particularly groups with the specialised skills and talent required to generate and exploit knowledge, and thereby secure competitive advantage.
But what is the evidence of renewed urban economic dynamism and what are the sources of growth – production, consumption or public services? Do these arguments apply equally to all cities – large and small, core and peripheral, north and south? Are the key determinants of prosperity linked to issues of urban scale or the quality of urban assets, and ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ infrastructure? What are the implications for urban form – city centres, suburban centres and polycentric city-regions? And what does the new urban agenda imply for people and places with weaker endowments of skills, resources and institutions?
- Cities as drivers of regional development
- Innovation, industrial clusters and productivity
- Connectivity, communication and information ‘flows’
- Cities as centres of culture, creativity and consumption
- The relationship between production, consumption and public spending
- Implications of global economic and demographic trends for cities
- Emerging city typologies and hierarchies
Contact: Ivan Turok [Email:]
Resurgent European Cities
1. Lale Berköz: (ii)The Intrametropolitan Determinants of Foreign Investment Firms in Istanbul
2. Matthias Bernt: The Governance of Shrinkage: a Prime Challenge for the Development of Europe’s Urban Regions [NB: Unable to attend but Annegret Haase will present the paper on Matthias Bernt's behalf]
3. Anthea Bill: Labour Market Reform and Labour Mobility within Cities: Have the Bartz Reforms Succeeded?
4. Katherine Champion: Developing Creative Cities
5. Terry Clark: Scenes: Disney Heaven, Bohemia and Other New Urban Dynamics
6. Allan Cochrane: Universities and Social Transformation: a Regional Perspective
7. Mike Coombes: Is There ‘City Flight’ in Middle England?
8. Gordon Dabinett: Vitalising Cities through Integrated Spatial Planning: an Example
9. Paul Hildreth: The Changing Rationale for the Governance of Urban Regeneration
10. Ove Langeland: Creative Cities - Innovative Sites and Attractive Places
11. Paula Lucci: The Consumer Economy in UK Cities: an Economically Sustainable Strategy?
12. Gerry Mooney: Vitality – Not Dependency. Social Relations in Scottish Urban Policy
13. Moira Munro: Students in the Post-Industrial City
14. Vlad Mykhnenko: Neo-Liberal Adjustment? The Restructuring of Old Industrial Cities and Regions in the Largest Countries of Western and Eastern Europe
15. Beatriz Plaza: Museums as Economic Re-activators: Challenges and Conditions for their Effectiveness
16. Jörg Plöger: The Recovery of European "Weak Market Cities"
17. Joanna Sage: Disrupting the Dominant Representations of Studentification as a Negative Process of Contemporary Urban Change
18. Shaleen Singhal: Regeneration, Business Strategies and Urban Competitiveness
19. Darren P Smith: The New Wave of Studentification?
20. Pawel Swianiewicz: (i) [Panel Session)] Metropolitan Cities in Implementation of EU Cohesion Policies in 2007–2013 Convergence Regions: the Role of City Actors in Regional Policy-Making Networks
21. Jan Jacob Trip: The Value of ‘Hypes’: Path Dependency and Factors of Change in the Post-Industrial Urban Economy
22. Ivan Turok: The Trajectories of European Cities, 1960-2005
23. Nico van der Heiden: City’s Foreign Policy - Competitiveness through Citizens Exclusion?
24. Serena Vicari: Fashion and the City – Social Interaction and Creativity in London and Milan