Tour 2: Clyde Waterfront Boat Trip, organised by Clyde Waterfront

Tour 2: Clyde Waterfront Boat Trip, organised by Clyde Waterfront

Please note that this tour is now full  (6 September 2007)


Leader: David Adams with Clyde Waterfront

Date/Time: Wednesday 12 September:  Depart 1.45. Return by 4.45 pm.

Meeting point: Outside Wolfson Medical Building, University Place (off University Avenue). A bus will take participants to the boat and bring them back. Please assemble ten minutes before to ensure a prompt departure.

Summary: Clyde Waterfront is the most comprehensive regeneration programme ever to be undertaken in Scotland: around £5.6bn is being invested in revitalising an eight-mile stretch of land along the banks of the River Clyde, from Glasgow city centre to the greenbelt estuary towns. Stuart Beith, Project Manager for Clyde Waterfront, will provide a commentary on the plans for revitalising the Clyde and its surrounding communities.

Further details of the tour: Clyde Waterfront Study Tour

 Clyde Waterfront logo

Last update: 10 September 2007